Swamp Thing – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest swamp thing map

1 – Downwarren
2 – Leslav
3 – Corpse
4 – Bog Camp
5 – Cave


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the “Contract: Monster from the Swamp” note on the notice board in Downwarren in Velen East (#1).


From the note, you’ll learn that there’s a creature in the nearby bog that “spurts out deadly mist” and feeds on the men it incapacitates. To get a few more details about the creature, you’ll need to talk to Leslav in the bog (#2). He’ll give you a vivid description of it, and he’ll recommend that you start your search to the south.

As you explore the bog, you’ll encounter two kinds of gas — green poisonous gas that you’ve probably seen before, and the foglet’s gas that will prevent you from breathing. As long as you keep moving, neither of the gases should cause you too many problems. But remember that Golden Oriole potions can protect you from poison.

As you follow the quest markers, you’ll discover three corpses (at #3 and #4). After examining any two of them, you’ll conclude that you’re dealing with an old foglet. This realization will earn you 25 xp. Foglets are vulnerable to Necrophage Oil.

To deal with the foglet, you’ll need to head south again, where you’ll discover some illusionary rocks (#5). Dispelling the rocks with The Eye of Nehaleni (gained during the quest Wandering in the Dark) will reveal a cave entrance. If you can’t dispel illusions yet, then you can also head west where you’ll find another (marked) entrance into the cave.

Inside the cave, you’ll first encounter a level 4 foglet, and then you’ll run into the old foglet, an ignus fatuus. This creature will hit you hard, so if you can’t dodge its attacks, then you might want to try the Quen sign to protect yourself. When you defeat the foglet, you’ll find a leveled version of the steel sword Carabella plus a Foglet Trophy on the corpse.

When you return to Leslav (#2), if you haggled with him, then he’ll ask you for a week so he can gather the crowns he owes you. If you demand your payment right away, then you’ll receive your fee minus the amount you haggled for. If you wait a week, then you’ll receive double your fee. Either way, you’ll also earn 240 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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