Skellige’s Most Wanted – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 contract quest skelliges most wanted map

1 – Fyresdal
2 – Attack Site
3 – Boulder Site
4 – Cave
5 – Meeting Place


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the note “Witcher Needed!” on the notice board in Fyresdal in Ard Skellig (#1).

Note: This quest was added in a free DLC.


The note will inform you that Uggo in Fyresdal has work for a witcher. You’ll find Uggo (called a Skelliger) in the middle of the village. When you talk him, he’ll tell you that 20 “nekkuks” attacked him and his partner to the north of the village, and he’ll ask you to deal with them.

When you go to the attack site (#2), you’ll find the remains of Uggo’s cart and partner. However, when you examine them, it won’t look like a nekker attack. It’ll look more like the partner died of old age, and the cart’s horse died of tetanus. Then right after you’ve finished your investigation, someone will try to push a boulder on you, but they’ll miss.

When you climb up onto the hill overlooking the attack site, you’ll find the spot where the boulder started (#3). You’ll detect some tracks in the area, but surprisingly they’ll be nekker tracks. When you follow the tracks, they’ll take you to a cave (#4), but when you enter, someone will roll a boulder over the entrance, blocking you inside.

Inside the cave, you’ll get attacked by some level 28 endregas and a level 28 arachas, but once you’ve dealt with them, you’ll be able to continue following the nekker tracks. Along the way, you’ll find a hollowed-out nekker foot that somebody was using as a boot. Then at the end, you’ll come to a lair, where you’ll find a legless nekker plus the crudely-drawn plans for what was intended to be your murder. The last picture will show you where the perpetrators planned to meet afterwards.

To catch the culprits, you’ll need to visit their meeting place (#5) at night. When you get there, you’ll discover who they are — a group of monsters including a doppler (the Skelliger from Fyresdal), a godling, an ice troll, and their werewolf leader. If you’ve spared or helped at least two monsters in the past — including the doppler in Contract: An Elusive Thief, Johnny in Ladies of the Wood, Salma in Contract: Deadly Delights, the sylvan in Greedy God, and Wham-a-Wham in Contract: Missing Miners — then you’ll be able to convince the underling monsters to leave, and you’ll only have to face the werewolf. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight the doppler, the ice troll, and the werewolf all at once. The godling, apparently, is the smartest of the group, since she’ll leave no matter what.

If you have to fight the majority of the monster group, then you’ll earn 100 xp at the end of the battle, and you’ll find some basic werewolf parts on the corpse of the werewolf. But if you only have to fight the werewolf, then you’ll receive werewolf parts, Nekker Hide Boots, and 200 xp, making it the better option.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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