This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
For Olgierd’s third and final wish, he’ll ask you to retrieve the
Violet Rose that he gave to his wife the last time he saw her. He’ll also inform you that you can find the rose at the von Everec estate, which is located in the Novigrad Far Outskirts.
When you reach the estate, you’ll find a thief standing at a break in the wall (#1). He’ll be calling out for his partner Kendrick, who disappeared inside. When you start conjecturing about the things that might be living at the estate, the thief will take off running.
As you explore the front garden of the estate, you’ll discover that somebody has been tending to the flowers and bee hives. You’ll also meet a black dog and spot some graves. Then when you reach the front door (Exit A), you’ll find Kendrick’s lantern, broken and trampled, and you’ll detect that something heavy was dragged away. When you follow the trail, it will take you to the back garden.
In the back garden, you’ll spot a black cat and lots more graves — plus the Caretaker, who will be digging a new grave for Kendrick (#4). When you confront the Caretaker, it will turn around, and you’ll see that it’s some sort of strange, faceless creature. You won’t recognize what it is, which is saying something.
You’ll have to fight the Caretaker. It’ll use a variety of attacks, but for the most part you’ll just need to watch out for its melee strikes, which will damage you and heal it. So the better you can deal damage without taking damage in return, the quicker you’ll be able to defeat it. When you kill the Caretaker, it’ll drop
The Caretaker’s Spade, and you’ll earn 200 xp.
When the Caretaker goes down, the cat and dog will wander over, and they’ll introduce themselves as “friends of the house.” They’ll inform you that the Caretaker was carrying the key to the back door of the house (Exit C), and you’ll automatically loot it. They’ll also mention that Iris von Everec can be found in the master bedroom upstairs. But before heading into the house, you might want to finish exploring the back garden. In the ruined gazebo on the southern side, you’ll find an
Ornamental Brush (#5).
When you enter the house, you’ll hear Iris’ voice warning you to leave. Then as you start exploring the ground floor, you’ll see a green-hued wraith in one of the paintings, and you’ll experience some paranormal activities. You’ll also find
Iris’ Sketchbook on a table (#6).
When you go upstairs, you’ll only be able to enter one of the rooms (#8), but it will have an exit to a balcony, which will give you access to the rest of the floor. However, when you enter a long hallway (#9), the green wraith will finally attack you. It shouldn’t be too difficult to damage, but every time you get it near death, it will retreat to a painting and heal itself. To finish the wraith off, you’ll have two choices: you can hit the painting that it’s retreating towards (including with Igni) and break the process, or you can just block and kill the wraith before it gets to the painting. When you’re finally successful, you’ll earn 200 xp.
When you reach the master bedroom (#10), you’ll find Iris’ body on the bed, and you’ll realize that it was her wraith that you defeated. This will earn you 100 xp. Then the cat and dog will show up again, and they’ll suggest that you bury Iris in the front garden. The dog will also give you the key to the front door (Exit A). You’ll then automatically move to the front door, but if you didn’t loot the bedroom first, then you might want to go back. In the chest next to the bed you’ll find
Ornate Boots and an
Ornate Robe, and in one corner you’ll find a
Portrait of Iris and Olgierd.
In the front garden, you’ll notice three potential sites for Iris’ grave. However, the cat and dog will dissuade you from the bench and the flower bed, so you’ll have to pick a spot by the easel where Iris painted (#2). You’ll have three choices for what to say during the burial ceremony, and you’ll be able to leave one of three items in the grave — the brush, the painting, or the sketchbook — but these options won’t make much of a difference during the remainder of the quest (in fact, just one line of dialogue). However, we’d recommend not leaving the painting behind, since it can be used when decorating your house during the Blood and Wine DLC.
At the end of the burial ceremony, Iris will appear in spirit form. She’ll create a painting of the manor and then step through it. When you follow her through, you’ll end up in the Painted World. The cat and dog will show up as well, and they’ll describe what you’ll need to do. They’ll tell you that your burial ceremony only woke up Iris “for a moment,” and that to wake her up “completely,” you’ll need to restore some of her memories and banish some of her fears.
You’ll have to restore several memories. To do this, you’ll need to find special items and then use them to complete scenes, which will cause the memories to play out. If you use your witcher senses, then the special items will glow red, making them easier to spot. Each time you restore a memory, you’ll earn 100 xp. The memories are listed below:
- Painting at the gazebo (#5). At this memory, you’ll find a
Painter’s Palette,
The Spirit from the Steppe, and a
Teapot. To complete the scene, you’ll need to put the book in Olgierd’s hand and the palette on the table behind Iris. Afterwards, some bees will show up, but you can defeat them using Igni. This memory is optional.
- Drinks at the fountain (#3). At this memory, you’ll find a
Bouquet of Flowers, a
Glass, and a
Wedding Veil. To complete the scene, you’ll need to place the
Glass in Iris’ hand. Afterwards, you’ll get attacked by a few level 34 spectral spiders, including one bigger and tougher than the others.
- In-laws over for dinner (#7). You won’t find any special items at this memory. To complete the scene, you’ll need to make it look like the painting at the far end of the room. That is, you’ll need to light the two candelabras closest to the diners, and you’ll need to start the fire in the fireplace. Afterwards, you’ll get attacked by a humanoid specter, representing Iris’ growing fear of Olgierd.
- Conversation in the master bedroom (#10). At this memory, you’ll find a
Bloody Towel, a
Night Gown, and a
Night Lamp. To complete the scene, you’ll need to put the towel on the counter next to Olgierd.
- Portrait in Iris’ studio (#11). At this memory, you’ll find a
Glass and a
Fruit Bowl. To complete the scene, you’ll need to pick up the two items and arrange them on the table next to Olgierd so they match Iris’ painting. That is, the apple should go on the right, the goblet should go in the middle, and the grapes should go on the left. As you move between this memory and the next one, you’ll get attacked by four more humanoid specters (#9).
- Fire in Olgierd’s study (#8). At this memory, you’ll find
Blood Pacts, or on Foreign Presences,
Beeswax Candles,
Between Worlds, and a
Piece of Chalk. To complete the scene, you’ll need to pick up the items and finish the protective circle in the center of the room. You’ll automatically place chalk where necessary, but then you’ll have to choose to put the candles “on the circle surrounding the pentagram.”
When the memory plays, a fire will start in the study. To escape it, you’ll need to examine the painting showing the von Everec estate during the winter. This will earn you 200 xp and transport you to the front garden of the estate — where you’ll be in the middle of a raging blizzard. To get out of the cold, you’ll need to take the stairs down into the cellar (Exit B).
- Attempted divorce in the cellar (#12). At this memory, you’ll find a
Marriage Contract, a
Mug, and a
Pipe. To complete the scene, you’ll need to place the Mug in Olgierd’s hand and the contract in Iris’ father’s hand. Afterwards, you’ll have to kill a few more specters.
- Lonely dinner in the dining hall (#7). At this memory, you’ll find a
Food Tray, a
Large Bowl, and a
Small Bowl. To complete the scene, you’ll need to place the
Food Tray in the Caretaker’s hands, the
Large Bowl next to the dog, and the
Small Bowl next to the cat.
After completing the memories, you’ll be invited into the parlor (#6) to face Iris’ greatest fear. After reading the letter on the table, several creatures representing Olgierd will appear in the room. You’ll have to defeat these creatures in turn. As long as you only attack the active one, you’ll only have to face them one at a time. The creatures will get more powerful as you go along, to the point where the last one will be almost as tough as Olgierd.
If you fought Olgierd during the quest Evil’s Soft First Touches, then the same strategy will work here. Just block until Olgierd starts his powerful attack (which will make his sword glow red), and then counterattack. This will stagger him, allowing you to hit him a couple of times before he recovers. When you defeat the Olgierd creatures, you’ll earn 300 xp.
After the battle, Iris will appear to you. You’ll learn that she still misses and perhaps loves Olgierd, and that she had hoped it was him who had come to visit her. Then you’ll have to make a choice about the
Violet Rose:
- If you take the rose, then Iris and the Painted World will cease to exist, and the cat and dog will be freed from their servitude. Before leaving, the dog will give you a hint about facing Gaunter O’Dimm: “Seek salvation in glass that can’t be broken.”
- If you refuse to take the rose, then Iris, the Painted World, and the cat and dog will continue on as before. But Iris will add herself holding the
Violet Rose to the painting in the front garden (#2), and you’ll cut that section out to receive a
Painting of Iris Holding a Violet Rose. This will work just as well as the
Violet Rose itself.
Either way, your decision will end the quest and earn you 500 xp.