Paperchase – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest paperchase map

1 – Vineyard Owner
2 – Window 3
3 – Window 1
4 – Records
5 – Archives
6 – Bench
7 – Vault


  1. Entrance to Cianfanelli Bank
  2. Upper staircase.
  3. Lower staircase.


You’ll receive this quest from a vineyard owner in Beauclair (#1).


The vineyard owner will remind you that you completed a contract for him the last time you were in Beauclair, but that he was not able to pay you. However, he’ll then add that he later came up with the payment, and that he deposited it at Cianfanelli Bank, where it’s since been accumulating interest.

At the bank (Exit A), you’ll have to talk to the clerk at Window 3 (#2). When you tell her your name, she’ll look up your account — and discover that according to their records, you’re dead. To get this corrected, you’ll need to head over to Window 1 (#3) and pick up Permit A38. However, the clerk at Window 1 will claim that you’re at wrong place and suggest that you check with records or the archives.

The clerk in the archives (#5) will claim that he doesn’t have any forms at all, and he’ll ask you to tell the people upstairs “not to send every lost fool with a problem to me.” The clerk in records (#4) will tell you that you’ll need Form 202 from Window 1. Then when you exit the records room, one of the bank customers will claim that you cut in line (which you did), and he’ll demand satisfaction. If you fight him and win, then you’ll earn 100 xp.

Back at Window 1 (#3), you’ll discover that the clerk isn’t there, but you’ll catch her scent, which will lead you to Window 3 (#2), where you’ll find out that the clerks are on break. So you’ll need to sit on a bench (#6) and wait for a while. While you’re doing this, a fellow bank customer will offer to play you at gwent for up to 25 crowns. If you beat him, then you’ll earn 50 xp.

After the game, the bank customer will give you a hint for how to deal with the bank clerks. He’ll tell you to charm them. So when you see the clerk from Window 1 return to her station, and you go over there to talk to her, you’ll be given three options — to give her Flowers or Perfume, or to just flatter her. Regardless, your charm will work, and the clerk will call over Giacomo Cianfanelli himself. This will earn you 250 xp.

After some persuasion on your part, Cianfanelli will lead you down to the vault where the safety deposit boxes are located (#7). However, when you open your box, you’ll discover that it’s empty, and Cianfanelli will explain that when he heard you were dead, he “circulated” your money. You’ll have two ways to respond:

  • You can agree to come back in a week for what you’re owed. When you return, you’ll find Cianfanelli waiting for you outside the bank. When you talk to him there, he’ll pay you 500 crowns and give you a leveled version of the (magic) steel sword The Reckoner.
  • You can demand your money now. This will cause Cianfanelli to lock you in the vault with two guards, who will proceed to attack you. After defeating the guards, you’ll find the vault key on one of their bodies. Then when you return upstairs, Cianfanelli will order one of the clerks you pay you what you’re owed — 200 crowns. He’ll also request that you never return to the bank again, and none of the clerks will subsequently talk to you.

    Note: If you lose to the guards in the vault, then Cianfanelli will simply toss you out of the bank and tell you never to return, but you’ll still get your 200 crowns.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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