Open Sesame: The Safecracker – Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest open sesame the safecracker map

1 – Alness
2 – Mercenary Camp


For this quest you’ll need to recruit a safecracker to help you steal Maximilian Borsodi’s house from the Borsodi auction house. You’ll have two choices for this:

  • Casamir. You’ll find Casamir in the village of Alness (#1). He’ll be sitting on his roof with a torch and three barrels of explosives, contemplating suicide. When you talk to the villagers watching the spectacle, you’ll learn that Casamir’s wife left him and took their children with her.

    To save Casamir, you’ll need to talk to him. If you’re nice and tell him that he’ll find somebody else, then he’ll blow himself up. If you insult him, then he’ll jump down and attack you. If you use Axii / Delusion on him, then he’ll obey your command. As long as Casamir survives, he’ll agree to work with you, and you’ll earn 150 xp.
  • Quinto. You’ll find Quinto caged at Hans of Cidaris’ mercenary camp (#2). You might remember Hans from the quest Contract: The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest. Hans will demand that you pay for Quinto’s release. If you negotiated extra money from Hans during that earlier contract, then he’ll ask for 400 crowns. Otherwise, he’ll only ask for 200 crowns.

    You’ll have a few options for making the payment. You can box against Hans or play a game of gwent against Hans instead of paying. You can “make a deal” with Hans and reduce the price to 340 / 170 crowns. Or you can just pay the amount. When Quinto leaves his cage, he’ll agree to work with you, and you’ll earn 150 xp.

Spoiler Note: At the end of the quest Open Sesame, you’ll have to choose a side between Horst Borsodi and the Stranger. The main difference between the safecrackers is that Casimir will side with the Stranger while Quinto will side with Horst. So your choice will affect the difficulty of the final battle.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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