This guide is an overview of a certain location in the Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough of all the various points.
1 – Abandoned Site (Crane Cape)
You’ll encounter a few level 34 drowned dead and a level 34 bilge hag at the lighthouse here. When you defeat them, the peasants, including a general merchant, will return to the site, and you’ll earn 50 crowns and 150 xp. Then inside the lighthouse, you’ll find a leveled version of
New Moon Armor.
2 – Hidden Treasure
After defeating the level 34 drowned dead guarding the cabin here, when you go inside you’ll find the corpse of a bandit holding a Dirtied Letter. From the letter, you’ll learn that the bandit imprisoned a man in the cabin’s cellar, which you’ll find hidden by some barrels that you’ll need to destroy. Inside the cellar, you’ll find the man’s corpse. He’ll have a Rusted Key and a Letter Written in Blood on him. Reading the letter will trigger the quest The Sword, Famine and Perfidy.
3 – Bandit Camp
You’ll encounter some level 33 fallen knights in this camp. After defeating them, you’ll find the diagram for
Order of the Flaming Rose Armor in a chest by the campfire.
4 – Bloodrot Pit
Inside this cave you’ll encounter a bunch of level 34 arachnomorphs (spider-like insectoids). After defeating them, when you explore the cave you’ll discover the corpse of a man by the entrance. He’ll have a Bent Key and a Yellowed Letter on him. Reading the letter will trigger the quest The Drakenborg Redemption. The cave is also involved in the quest Enchanting: Quality Has Its Price.
5 – Abandoned Site
When you defeat the five level 29 wraiths at this site, the peasants, including an herbalist, will return to work. You’ll also receive 50 crowns and 150 xp.
6 – Bowdon
This abandoned village is involved in the quest Rose on a Red Field. You might encounter some level 32 ghouls the first time you visit the village.
7 – Abandoned Site / Hidden Treasure
When you defeat the level 33 fallen knights who are burning the village here, the peasants, including an armor merchant, will return to work. You’ll also receive 50 crowns and 150 xp.
Just the south of the village, you’ll discover the corpse of a man in a watchtower. He’ll have a Bloody Letter and an Incrusted Key in his possession. Reading the letter will trigger the quest Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy.
8 – Bandit Camp
The level 33 fallen knights at the cabin here are
Fisstech dealers. After defeating them in battle, when you loot their cabin you’ll find a bunch of
Fisstech and also two more things of interest: the diagram for
Order of the Flaming Rose Sword and the untranslated diagram for
Ofieri Sharovary. To get the latter translated, you’ll need to complete the quest From Ofier’s Distant Shores.
9 – Bandit Camp
You’ll encounter some level 33 fallen knights here. After defeating them, when you loot their camp you’ll find the diagram for
Order of the Flaming Rose Gauntlets in a chest.
10 – Garin Estate
This estate is involved in the quest Evil’s Soft First Touches.
11 – Cabin / Cave
The cabin and cave here are involved in the quest Rose on a Red Field.
12 – Brunwich
You’ll find a couple of things of interest in this small village:
- Aldona and Johnnus (around the barn on the northern side). They’re involved in the quest Dead Man’s Party.
- Notice board (just to the south of the village). If you read the notes on the board, then you’ll trigger the quest Without a Trace.
13 – Abandoned Site (Miller’s Lake)
To free this site, you’ll just need to destroy the two nearby nekker monster nests. When you do, you’ll earn 50 crowns and 150 xp.
14 – Bandit Camp
After defeating the level 33 fallen knights here, when you loot their camp, you’ll find the diagram for
Tvarog Runestone in the chest by the fire.
Note: You’ll need two
Pyerog Runestones (#24) and one
Tvarog Runestone to form the “Dumpling” runeword at the runewright (#16).
15 – Hidden Treasure (Old Chapel)
Just to the north of the chapel here, you’ll find a corpse carrying a Crypt Key and the Pastoral Diary of Father Glaedfried. Reading the diary will trigger the quest The Cursed Chapel.
16 – Upper Mill
You’ll meet two important people at this location:
17 – Bandit Camp (Zuetzer Castle Ruins)
After defeating the level 33 fallen knights here, when you loot their camp, you’ll find the untranslated diagram for
Ofieri Gauntlets. To get that diagram translated, you’ll need to complete the quest From Ofier’s Distant Shores.
18 – Kilkerinn Ruins / Bandit Camp
After defeating the level 33 fallen knights here, when you loot their camp, you’ll find the diagram for the silver sword
Sarrim. Also in the ruins, if you climb up to the highest point, then you’ll find a leveled version of
New Moon Boots in a chest.
19 – Arnskrone Castle Ruins / Hidden Treasure
As you approach the ruins here, you’ll get attacked by a level 37 ancient leshen (a relict). After defeating it, you’ll find a skeleton carrying a Tarnished Key and Count Romilly’s Journal (Part 2). Reading the journal will trigger the quest The Secret Life of Count Romilly. The ruins are also involved in the quest A Dark Legacy.
20 – Destroyed House
This house is involved in the quest A Surprise Inheritance. Be wary of the level 39 archgriffin guarding it.
21 – Guarded Treasure (Cemetery)
You’ll find level 34 ghouls and alghouls guarding this cemetery. After defeating them, when you search the crypt, you’ll discover a leveled version of
New Moon Gauntlets in a chest.
22 – Abandoned Site (Heddel)
When you first arrive in the village here, you’ll find the place overrun by level 34 arachnomorphs. After defeating the creatures, the villagers, including an herbalist, will return, and you’ll earn 50 crowns and 150 xp.
23 – Abandoned Site / Hidden Treasure
You’ll find the village here being guarded by a few level 34 ghouls. After defeating them, the villagers, including a general merchant, will return, and you’ll earn 50 crowns and 150 xp.
Just to the east of the village, you’ll find the corpse of a man with Knut Kreutzman’s Journal and a Completely Ordinary Key in his possession. Reading the journal will trigger the quest A Surprise Inheritance.
24 – Vikk Watchtower / Hidden Treasure
You’ll encounter several level 34 erynias and harpies at the ruined watchtower here. After defeating them, you’ll find the corpse of a man near the western entrance. He’ll be holding Nicolas Vogel’s Laboratory Notebook and a Chest Key. Reading the notebook will trigger the quest The Royal Air Force.
25 – Hatch
You’ll find a hatch in the ground here leading to a bandit hideout. This hideout is a part of the quest From Ofier’s Distant Shores.
26 – Person in Distress (Master Topical)
At the hut here, you’ll find Master Philibert Topical being held captive by some level 33 fallen knights. When you defeat the knights, Topical will return to his duties as an herbalist.
27 – Bandit Camp
At this camp, you’ll encounter some level 33 fallen knights. After defeating them, you’ll find the untranslated diagram for
Ofieri Boots in the chest by the campfire. To get the diagram translated, you’ll need to complete the quest From Ofier’s Distant Shores.
28 – Erde
This mostly-deserted village is involved in the quest Without a Trace.
29 – Von Everec Estate
This estate is involved in the quests Dead Man’s Party and Scenes from a Marriage.
G – Guarded Treasure
M – Monster Nest / Vineyard Infestation
P – Place of Power
$ – Treasure