This guide is an overview of a certain location in the Witcher 3. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough of all the various points.
1 – Warehouse
Outside the warehouse here, you’ll come across a merchant and a trader arguing about the warehouse that they’re sharing. If you get involved, then you’ll trigger the quest Warehouse of Woe.
2 – Warehouse
You’ll find three treasure chests inside this warehouse. One of them you’ll find in plain sight on the floor. For the other two, you’ll have to do some climbing and / or jumping to get to them.
3 – Strumpet and Customer
At this spot you’ll meet a strumpet trying to fend off an unruly customer. If you ask the strumpet if she’d like you to get rid of the customer, then you’ll earn 10 xp. If you use Axii / Delusion on the customer, then you’ll earn 40 xp. But regardless of what you say, you’ll eventually learn that the couple was roleplaying and that the customer is harmless.
4 – Ginter de Lavirac
When you reach this spot, you’ll witness Ginter de Lavirac being robbed by bandits. If you intervene and kill the bandits, then de Lavirac will give you the quest A Walk on the Waterfront.
5 – Boxing Circles
You’ll need to participate in boxing matches here for the quest Fists of Fury: Novigrad.
6 – Elven Woman
At this spot you’ll see an elven woman being harassed by two townsmen. No matter what you say, nothing will happen and you won’t earn a reward.
7 – Hattori’s House
Inside this house you’ll meet Eibhear Hattori. After completing the quest Of Swords and Dumplings, he’ll become a master blacksmith, and he’ll start selling high level swords and crafting materials. He’ll also sell Edwin Greloff’s Fourth Map, which you might need for the scavenger hunt Griffin School Gear.
8 – Crippled Kate’s Brothel
Inside this brothel you’ll meet the madame. She’ll sell you food and wine, and she’ll also offer you the services of her courtesans. At some point outside the brothel (on the northern side), you’ll meet a strumpet who will give you the quest Out on Your Arse.
9 – Entrance to the Putrid Grove
You won’t be allowed to enter the grove until you come to it during the quest Pyres of Novigrad. Inside the grove, you’ll meet a merchant and also the King of Beggars.
10 – Herbalist’s Shop / Kluhg’s House
Inside the shop here you’ll meet a dwarven herbalist. He’ll sell you a standard collection of alchemy ingredients, plus a Bundle of Burdock, which you might need for the quest Novigrad Dreaming. Next door you’ll meet Kluhg. He’s involved in the quest Pyres of Novigrad.
11 – Corpse
You’ll find a corpse here. If you examine it then you’ll trigger the quest A Feast for Crows.
11 – Rosemary and Thyme / Chameleon
When you first arrive in Novigrad, this building will be overrun by vagrants using it as a flophouse. But as you complete Novigrad’s main questline, first Zoltan Chivay and then Dandelion will show up. At that point, Dandelion will convert the building from the brothel Rosemary and Thyme to the cabaret Chameleon.
You’ll find a stash inside the building.
12 – Merchant
In this alley you’ll spot a merchant being robbed by a trio of bandits. If you step in and either kill the bandits or convince them to leave (using Axii / Delusion), then the merchant will escape unscathed. Otherwise, the merchant will pay off the bandits and then leave. Either way, you won’t earn any sort of a reward.
13 – Elihal’s House
Elihal will sell you some clothing items, including a
Bird Mask, a
Harlequin Mask, a
Wolf Mask, and
Triss’ Fox Mask, some of which you’ll need for the quest A Matter of Life and Death. Elihal is also involved in the quest Broken Flowers.
14 – Ronvid of the Small Marsh
If you’ve faced Ronvid near Crow’s Perch in Velen West, then this is where you’ll encounter him next (#14). He’ll demand another duel, and he won’t take “no” for an answer. After defeating him — which might take all of one hit — he’ll lick his wounds and then show up at the docks with a pair of “friends” (#14a). This time you’ll have two options. You can either fight him again and kill him, or you can use Axii / Delusion on him to make him go away. Either way you’ll earn 50 xp.
15 – Rostan Muggs
You’ll meet the dwarf Rostan Muggs here. He’ll give you the quest The Dwarven Document Dilemma.
16 – Elf
At this spot you’ll witness an elf being harassed by three townsmen. You can either step in and kill the townsmen or ignore the situation. You won’t earn a reward either way.
17 – Merchant
At this spot you’ll witness a merchant being accosted by three elves. They’ll accuse him of selling contaminated Fisstech, but they won’t have any proof. If you protect the merchant, then the elves will attack you, and you’ll earn 50 crowns and 25 xp at the end of the battle. If you let the elves have their way with the merchant, then you won’t earn a reward.
18 – Estate
This estate is involved in the quest Following the Thread.
19 – The Golden Sturgeon
You’ll meet four people of interest inside the Sturgeon:
- Innkeep (main floor). He’ll sell you food, drinks and gwent cards.
- Captain Wolverstone (by the bar on the main floor). He’s involved in the quest Destination: Skellige.
- Corinne Tilly (upper floor). She’s involved in the quest Novigrad Dreaming.
- Sukrus (lower floor). He’s involved in the quest Of Swords and Dumplings.
Outside the Sturgeon, you’ll also encounter three things of interest:
- Drunks (entrance). At some point when you approach the entrance to the inn, you’ll get stopped by two drunks who will ask you for a handout. You can pay them 25 crowns (and earn 2 xp), you can use Axii / Delusion on them (and earn 65 xp), or you can just try to pass by them (and fistfight one of them for 25 xp).
- Nidas (on the northern side). He’ll give you the quest Black Pearl.
- Notice Board (on the southern side). Reading the notes on the board will give you the quests Contract: Deadly Delights and Gwent: Big City Players.
20 – Merchants
21 – Journeyman Blacksmith
Along with swords and regular crafting components, this blacksmith will also have flawless gems for sale.
22 – Triss’ Former House
This house is involved in the quest Pyres of Novigrad. Outside the house you’ll find a treasure chest.
23 – Hierarch Square
The first time you enter this square, you’ll witness Caleb Menge executing a sorceress and a doppelganger. You won’t be able to do anything about this. The cut scene is simply an introduction to Menge, who you’ll meet again during the quest Count Reuven’s Treasure.
Also in the square you’ll meet six people of interest:
- Herbalist (on the southern side). He’ll have some standard ingredients for sale, as well as the formula for the
Nekker Warrior Decoction.
- Journeyman Armorer (in his shop on the western side). He’ll sell you armor and crafting supplies. He’ll also have Edwin Greloff’s Third Map (which you might need for the scavenger hunt Griffin School Gear) and Heavily Faded Notes by Hieronymus on the Witcher Elgar (which you might need for the scavenger hunt Wolf School Gear).
- Marcus T.K. Hodgson (in his shop on the northern side). He’ll have several books for sale, and he’ll also trigger the quest Message from a Friend.
- Merchant (in the northwestern corner). He’ll have several books for sale.
- Vimme Vivaldi (in front of the bank in the southwestern corner). He’ll convert Orens and Florens into crowns, and he’ll offer you a loan of 100 crowns (which will cost you 130 crowns to pay back). Vivaldi is also involved in the quest Gwent: Big City Players.
24 – The Kingfisher
Inside this inn, you’ll meet the innkeep Olivier (behind the bar on the main level). He’ll sell you food, drinks and gwent cards. He’s also involved in the quests Gwent: Playing Innkeeps and Now or Never.
Outside the inn, you’ll find a notice board. Just discovering it will trigger the quest High Stakes. But if you read its notes, then you’ll receive the quests Contract: Doors Slamming Shut, Contract: An Elusive Thief, Fists of Fury: Novigrad, and Following the Thread.
25 – Preacher
At this location, you’ll see a preacher trying to rile up a crowd against witchers and sorceresses. You’ll have three ways to respond to his accusations. You can ignore him, you can threaten him, or you can compare good works with him. Regardless of your choice, the preacher will leave, the crowd will disperse, and you’ll earn 10 xp. But if you embarrass the preacher, then at some point later you’ll get ambushed by a pair of thugs (who will pretend that they’re arresting you), and you’ll earn 25 xp for defeating them.
26 – Sculptors
In this alley you’ll meet the sculptors Fabian and Gus Meyer. They’re involved in the quest Carnal Sins.
27 – Lodging House / Triss’ Apartment
Once you’ve completed the quest Pyres of Novigrad, you’ll find Triss living on the top floor of this house. Triss is involved in the quests Novigrad Dreaming, Count Reuven’s Treasure, A Matter of Life and Death, and Now or Never.
Outside the house, you’ll meet a child who will run off when you talk to him. He’ll lead you into an ambush by four level 14 bandits.
28 – Loan Shark
The loan shark won’t actually offer you a loan, but he will sell you
Change Your Life! A Handbook, which you’ll need for the quest Free Spirit.
In the building to the north of the loan shark (which will require you to climb a ladder to reach), you’ll find the diagram for
Feline Silver Sword – Enhanced.
29 – Barbers
30 – The Nowhere
The innkeep inside this inn will sell you food and alcohol.
31 – Miss Marabella’s Shelter
Inside this shelter you’ll meet Marabella. She’s involved in the quest Broken Flowers. This shelter is also where the orphans of Crookback Bog will end up, provided they survive the quest Family Matters.
32 – Vilmerius Hospital
Inside this hospital you’ll meet Joachim von Gratz. He’s involved in the quest Carnal Sins.
33 – Var Attre Villa
You’ll need to get inside this villa during the quest Broken Flowers.
34 – Passiflora
You’ll meet two people of interest inside this brothel:
You’ll also meet a few courtesans who you can pay for their services.
35 – Merchant
The merchant in the shop here will give you the quest Of Dairy and Darkness. He’ll also sell you several quest items —
The Curious Cases of Virtuous Vegga (for Free Spirit),
Jade Figurine (for The Nobleman Statuette),
Lizard Figurine (for Of Dairy and Darkness), and
Old Wine from Toussaint (for It Takes Three to Tango) — plus a
Potion of Clearance.
Outside the merchant’s shop, you’ll find a notice board. If you read the notes on it, then you’ll trigger the quest Contract: Doors Slamming Shut.
36 – Entrance to the Bathhouse
You’ll meet Sigi Reuven / Dijkstra in the bathhouse. He’s involved in a few quests, including Count Reuven’s Treasure, Get Junior, and A Deadly Plot.
37 – Amateur Blacksmith
38 – Merchant
The halfling merchant here will offer you “the deal of a lifetime” on goods left behind by mages who got burned at the stake. However, before he can show you his wares, he’ll scamper off to avoid a trio of witch hunters. The witch hunters will then ask you about the halfling. If you answer truthfully, then they’ll chase after him, and you’ll never see him again. But if you make up a story, then you’ll trigger the quest Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff? Either way, you’ll also earn 10 xp.
39 – Merchant
This merchant won’t be marked on your map. He’ll only have
Empty Bottles for sale.
40 – Priest of Eternal Fire
This priest is a merchant. He’ll sell you runes and glyphs plus the book
The Cult of Freya, which you’ll need for the quest Free Spirit.
P – Place of Power
$ – Treasure
- Entrance to the Temple Isle Dungeon.