Missing Son – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest missing son map

1 – Rannvaig
2 – Castle Ruins
3 – Boxholm


You’ll receive this quest by reading the note “Contract: Missing Son” on the notice board in Rannvaig in Ard Skellig (#1).


The note will inform you that Odhen’s son Olve “went off to seek adventure” but never returned, and that Odhen is willing to pay for news about what happened to him. If you talk with Odhen (not far from the notice board), then he’ll tell you that Olve met some adventurers in a tavern, and that he went with them to the castle ruins to the southeast to look for treasure. Odhen will also tell you that Olve talks with a lisp and was wearing a distinctive yellow shirt

At the ruins (#2), you’ll encounter a fiend (relict) boss named Morvudd. It’ll hit you with nasty melee attacks — strong enough that you might need to use Quen to save yourself — and it’ll also blind you every so often. So dodge around as necessary while you’re healing or blind, and then close in for some hits when it’s safe. Once you’ve done enough damage to Morvudd, it’ll flee, and you’ll earn 15 xp. To give chase, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses, which will allow you to see Morvudd’s tracks.

Note: In a chest on the western wall of the ruins, you’ll find the diagram for Mastercrafted Wolven Gauntlets.

When you follow Morvudd’s tracks, you’ll end up in its lair in Boxholm (#3). Morvudd will be fully healed when you encounter it there, but it won’t be any different than it was before, so whatever strategy you used previously should work again. When Morvudd dies, you’ll earn 25 xp, and you’ll find a Fiend Mutagen, a Fiend Trophy, and a leveled version of the steel sword Longclaw on its corpse. If you then turn on your witcher senses and search the lair, you’ll also find Olve’s corpse on the northern side.

Note: Not far from Olve to the east, you’ll find a chest containing the diagram for Griffin Steel Sword – Mastercrafted.

When you return to Odhen (#1) to tell him the bad news, he’ll pay you your negotiated fee, and you’ll also earn 300 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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