Missing Miners – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest missing miners map

1 – Blandare
2 – Gjarr’s House
3 – Miners’ Camp
4 – Wham-a-Wham


  1. Mine entrance.


You’ll trigger this quest when you read the note “Contract: Missing Miners” in Blandare in Ard Skellig (#1).


From the note you’ll learn that a few villagers went into a local mine to search for silver ore but never returned. To advance the quest, you’ll need to talk to Gjarr, the village elder. You’ll find him in the large house on the eastern side of the village (#2). Gjarr will basically just repeat the information from the note.

To learn more about the missing miners, you’ll need to travel to the miners’ camp to the north (#3). When you turn on your witcher senses there, you’ll spot tracks leading to the northwest. As you follow the tracks, you’ll pass by a corpse with crushed ribs and a splintered tree, and when you eventually reach the mine, you’ll realize that you’re dealing with a rock troll. This will earn you 25 xp.

Inside the mine (Exit A), you’ll meet the troll Wham-a-Wham. He’ll attack you on sight, but after a few seconds he’ll stop and listen to what you have to say. This will give you two ways to deal with him:

  • If you talk to the troll and decide that he was in the right for attacking the miners, then he’ll promise not to attack anybody else, and he’ll give you 50 crowns and Silver Ore (x2). You’ll also earn 25 xp. But when you return to Gjarr, he won’t be happy with your decision, and you’ll only receive 50 crowns and 100 xp for completing the quest.
  • If you attack the troll, then you’ll probably have to do some dodging around, but the troll is slow and telegraphs his attacks, so if you’re careful then you should be able to defeat him without taking too much damage. When the troll dies, he’ll drop a Cave Troll Trophy, a Troll Mutagen, a leveled version of the steel sword Caroline, and more. Then when you show the trophy to Gjarr, you’ll receive your negotiated fee plus 200 xp for completing the quest.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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