Master of the Arena – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest master of the arena map


You’ll receive this quest from Gunnar and Lydrik in Hov in The Skellige Isles Northwest (#1). You’ll find them in the tower overlooking Hov’s arena.


Gunnar and Lydrik will tell you that there’s a wraith named Ulle the Unlucky haunting their arena, and they’ll ask you to get rid of him. They’ll also tell you Ulle’s story — how he was cursed to lose arena matches “for centuries on end.”

Inside the arena, you’ll meet Ulle. He’ll seem resigned to his fate, but he’ll still challenge you to a duel. If you beat him, then he’ll just return later. To complete the quest, you’ll need to let him defeat you, which will happen once he’s done about half damage to you. When he wins, Ulle will ascend to the afterlife, and you’ll earn 25 xp.

When you head back to Gunnar and Lydrik, you’ll receive the first installment of your reward: 15 crowns and 10 xp. Then when you return to them once they’ve gotten the arena up and running again (roughly three days), you’ll receive the final installment: 20 crowns and 25 xp.

Note: You’ll later return to the Hov arena for the quest Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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