Master Armorers – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest master armorers map

1 – Crow’s Perch
2 – Clan Tordarroch Forge


You’ll receive this quest from Fergus Graem and his partner Yoana at Crow’s Perch in Velen West (#1).


Yoana will tell you a story about a legendary set of tools used by Tordarroch folk on Undvik to produce wonderfully strong and light pieces of armor. Fergus won’t necessarily believe the story, but he’ll agree to make you some armor should you track down the tools for him.

To investigate the matter, you’ll need to travel to the Clan Tordarroch Forge on Undvik in The Skellige Isles Southwest (#2). On the western side of the site, you’ll discover an entrance to a cave. When you go inside, you’ll encounter a level 26 ice troll, and you’ll find a chest containing High-Quality Smithing Tools plus a leveled version of the silver sword Deithwen.

When you return to Fergus and show him the tools, he’ll be excited — but then a general named Harmon aep Groenekan will show up and ask for a new suit of armor, and Fergus will wander off with him to negotiate a price. While they’re gone, Yoana will reveal that she’s the master armorer, and that Fergus can barely make horseshoes and nails.

Yoana will then come up with a plan to give herself some publicity. She’ll decide to make a suit of armor for Groenekan by herself while Fergus also tries to make one, which will give Groenekan the chance to compare the two. But Yoana will need some help from you. She’ll tell you that she needs some acid as a hardening agent, which you should be able to get some from an archgriffin recently spotted to the north.

Your conversation with Yoana will cause the quest Contract: The Griffin from the Highlands to appear on the notice board in Crow’s Perch. Completing that quest will reward you with an Archgriffin Acid Gland. When you deliver the gland to Yoana, she’ll be able to complete her armor.

When Groenekan shows up for his armor, Yoana and Fergus will submit what they’ve crafted, and Groenekan will decide that a test is in order. He’ll pick out a random man to wear Fergus’ armor while you wear Yoana’s. If you refuse to take part in the test, then you’ll fail the quest and Yoana (the only master armorer) will disappear from the game, so it’s not a good idea refuse.

Groenekan will then shoot bolts at you and the man in Fergus’ armor. The first bolt will knock the man down and wound him, but the second bolt won’t do anything to you at all. Groenekan will be so impressed that he’ll put Yoana in charge of the forge with Fergus as her assistant. You’ll then be able to use Yoana as a master armorer to craft the highest quality armors in the game.

For completing the quest, you’ll receive the diagram for the Mag Deira Cuirass right away, and if you return to Yoana after 24 hours, then she’ll also give you a level 27 version of Witch Hunter’s Armor.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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