This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
The first thing you’ll need to do in this quest is meet with your friend Regis at the Mere-Lachaiselongue Cemetery in Toussaint South (#1). You’ll find him in the catacombs underground. However, when you go to the tomb marked by the quest, nobody will answer your knocks, and so you’ll have to find another way in.
To find an entrance, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses and search the cemetery. This will lead you to a broken-open grave. When you jump into it, you’ll be greeted by some level 37 kikimore workers. You’ll also discover some kikimore eggs. If you destroy the eggs using Igni, then you’ll earn 100 xp, but you’ll also be attacked by a level 37 kikimore warrior.
Past the kikimore tunnels, you’ll finally run into Regis in the connected catacombs. When you show him the Unusual Severed Hand that you found with Count de la Croix’s corpse at Corvo Bianco, he’ll recognize it as Dettlaff’s, and he’ll tell you that you can use it to see some of Dettlaff’s memories — provided that you have a stimulant called Resonance, which requires some rare ingredients. Regis will then send his ravens to search for the ingredients. While you’re waiting for them to return, you can either take a nap or chat with Regis.
When the ravens come back, you’ll learn that there’s a spotted wight in the area, and that you can use its saliva for the concoction. You’ll also learn that the wight might have been created by a curse, and that there are a lot of spoons where it is living. This conversation will earn you 450 xp, and it will also create a bestiary entry for spotted wights. If you read the entry, then you’ll earn 100 xp.
To find the wight, you’ll need to head over to the Trastamara Hunting Cottage (#2). When you get there, you’ll be attacked by a few level 37 barghests. You’ll also notice plenty of spoons hanging around and acting like wind chimes.
When you go into the cottage, if you turn on your witcher senses, then you’ll find even more spoons to examine, plus a Decaying Letter (#7), some skeletons (#8), a Stained Diary (#6), a smashed mirror (#5), and the words of the curse. If you examine enough of these items, then you’ll learn how the owner of the cottage became a wight, including that the “beggar” who cursed her sold mirrors (and thus might have been Gaunter O’Dimm from the Hearts of Stone DLC). This will earn you 300 xp.
Note: You can also find a Spoon Key in the cottage (#9). Picking it up will trigger the quest Spoontaneous Profits.
In the basement of the cottage, you’ll find the wight’s cauldron (#10), but there won’t be any saliva inside, so you’ll decide to hide and wait for the wight to come back. If you turn on your witcher senses, then a large cabinet near the cauldron (#12) will turn red, and when you activate it, you’ll hide inside. After a short wait, the wight will return, and it will begin cooking something in the cauldron. At this point, you’ll have to decide how you want to acquire its saliva:
- You can kill the wight (aka the Spoon Collector). It will flee deeper into the basement, where you’ll find even more spoons (#13). The wight will use the spoons to its advantage. You’ll get stuck in them sometimes, keeping you solitary so the wight can hit you, and it will dive into the spoons and come out someplace else, effectively giving it a teleport ability. But as long as you attack and dodge and eat as necessary, you should be able to defeat it. When the wight dies, you’ll earn 650 xp, and you’ll find a
Fork, a
Wight Saliva Gland, a
Wight Trophy, and a Disgusting Wight Key on its corpse. Picking up the gland will earn you 1000 xp. The key will allow you to open up the doors leading to the basement exit (Exit C).
- You can lift the curse. When you exit the cabinet, you’ll convince the wight that you’re trying to help it, and you’ll dip a pair of bowls into the cauldron, collecting a meal for you both. You’ll also take a sample of the
Wight Brew (which apparently contains some saliva) for Regis. However, to cure the wight, you’ll have to select the option to eat without using spoons. The two of you will then drink directly out of the bowls. This will cause something to begin happening to the wight, but it will flee, so you won’t be able to see what. This will earn you 1000 xp.
To find the wight, you’ll just need to turn on your witcher senses and follow its odor. This will lead you upstairs and then outside the cottage, where you’ll quickly run into Marlene, the former wight. You’ll probably encounter some more level 37 barghests along the way as well. When you catch up to Marlene, she’ll tell you that she’s hungry, and you’ll take her to Corvo Bianco (#3). This will earn you another 1000 xp. You’ll also eventually receive the side quest The Hunger Game.
Note: If you cure Marlene, then you’ll earn the Wisdom virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One.
When you bring the saliva to Regis (#1), he’ll tell you that one more ingredient is still needed — blood from an agitated elder vampire. Regis will have a plan for how to get it. He’ll tell you that vampires created a dungeon at Tesham Mutna with a special cage inside, strong enough to hold an angry vampire. He’ll then suggest that you lock him inside the cage and kill monsters nearby, which will drive him into the necessary frenzy — while also keeping you safe. Learning about this plan will earn you 400 xp.
At Tesham Mutna (#4), Regis will open the secret door to the dungeon, and he’ll lead you inside. As you make your way down to the chamber with the cage, you’ll pass by three containers with the pieces for a unique set of heavy armor:
Tesham Mutna Armor,
Tesham Mutna Boots,
Tesham Mutna Gauntlets,
Tesham Mutna Mask,
Tesham Mutna Steel Sword, and
Tesham Mutna Trousers. Each piece you wear will restore 1% of your vitality for each enemy that you kill, as long as you’re wearing at least three pieces.
When you reach the chamber with the cage, Regis will give you four
Scavenger Baits, and he’ll ask you to place them in front of the tunnels leading into the chamber. For a couple of the tunnels, you’ll have to use Aard to knock some barrels and planks out of the way first. After placing the baits, you’ll need to talk to Regis again. This will cause you to lock him into the cage and start the big battle sequence.
When Regis is locked away, lots of monsters will start spawning: ghouls, rotfiends and scurvers, plus a fleder and eventually a katakan, all level 39. Fleders and katakans are vampires while the rest are necrophages. We’d recommend using
Necrophage Oil and beating up on the lesser enemies while avoiding the vampires. Rotfiends and scurvers will explode when they die, so try to stay away from them — provided you can tell what you’re fighting. If you take a lot of damage, then you should just start dodging around and eating. There isn’t a time limit for the fight.
Once you’ve done enough damage to make Regis agitated, the monsters will flee, and you’ll take a sample of Regis’ blood. You’ll then wait a few hours until Regis has calmed down, and you’ll help him to return to the Mere-Lachaiselongue Cemetery (#1), where you’ll brew the Resonance potion for him.
When you take the potion, you’ll see a few things of interest: Dettlaff meeting Count de la Croix (the third victim) at a bootblack’s stand, Dettlaff becoming friends with de la Croix, Dettlaff murdering de la Croix in a mill, Dettlaff becoming so angry and remorseful about his actions that he cuts off his own hand, and then Dettlaff visiting the bootblack’s stand again. This vision will earn you 1000 xp. Afterwards, you’ll decide to visit the bootblack while Regis stays in his lair to recover from his ordeal.
Note: If you visit Count de la Croix’s Mill (in Toussaint South) before completing the next main quest (Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away), then you’ll trigger the quest Amidst the Mill’s Grist.