Kaer Morhen – Witcher 3 Location

This guide is an overview of a certain location in the Witcher 3. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough of all the various points.

witcher 3 location kaer morhen map

1 – Old Speartip’s Cave
2 – Circle of Elements
3 – Troll Cave
4 – Ruined Watchtower
5 – Chest
6 – Rock Troll Cave
7 – Trial of the Grasses Cave
8 – Bastion
9 – Cave
10 – Kaer Morhen
11 – Ruined Signal Tower
12 – Iron Mine
13 – Forktail Cave
14 – Greenhouse
15 – Chort Cave
G – Guarded Treasure
P – Place of Power
$ – Treasure


1 – Old Speartip’s Cave

This cave is involved in the quest The Final Trial.

2 – Circle of Elements

This ritual site is involved in the quest The Final Trial.

3 – Troll Cave

The trolls who live in this cave are involved in the quest The Final Trial. You won’t find anything of interest inside the cave.

4 – Ruined Watchtower

In the ruins here, you’ll find the diagrams for Wolven Silver Sword (on a skeleton on the ground level) and Wolven Steel Sword – Enhanced (in a chest on the raised wooden walkways).

5 – Chest

In the water here, you’ll find a chest containing the diagram for Enhanced Wolven Trousers.

6 – Rock Troll Cave

This cave is involved in the quest Monster Slayer.

7 – Trial of the Grasses Cave

This is the cave where apprentice witchers used to undergo the Trial of the Grasses. You’ll be able to examine several items as you explore the cave, and when you reach the lab at the end, you’ll receive 25 xp. You’ll also find the diagram for Superior Wolven Trousers in a chest next to the “table for mutations.”

8 – Bastion

This location is involved in the quest The Bastion.

9 – Cave

You won’t find much of interest inside this cave.

10 – Kaer Morhen

Kaer Morhen is the home of the witchers, so this is where you’ll meet Eskel, Lambert, and Vesemir. When you first arrive, Uma and Yennefer will also be here. Others, like Triss and possibly Keira Metz, will show up after you’ve completed the quest The Isle of Mists. You’ll also find your stash in the inner keep.

If you loot all of the chests in the outer courtyard of the keep, then you’ll find several Master’s Armor Repair Kits and Master’s Weapon Repair Kits.

11 – Ruined Signal Tower

This tower is a repository for Wolven witcher gear. To get to the gear, you’ll need to activate a portal. This will require you to charge up two power cells:

You’ll find the first power cell on a wall on the ground level of the tower. If you don’t see it, then turn on your witcher senses to make it glow red. You’ll just need to cast Aard on the power cell to charge it. This will activate the portal, but it’ll still be unstable.

For the second power cell, you’ll need to pick up a Polished Crystal. You’ll find it on the outer wall of the tower, which you can reach by going through a crack in the wall to the left of the entrance. Once you have the crystal, you’ll just need to place it on the empty generator near the first power cell and then cast Aard on it. This will stabilize the portal.

When you jump into the portal (located just to the north of the tower), you’ll end up in a small cave beneath the tower. Inside the cave you’ll discover a corpse holding the diagrams for Wolven ArmorWolven BootsWolven Gauntlets, and Wolven Trousers. But when you approach the corpse, you’ll get attacked by a level 22 wraith, so be careful.

Also in the tower, you’ll discover a few treasure chests filled with random loot, plus the silver sword Pang of Conscience (which is an apology from CD Project Red for an early — but subsequently fixed — bug in the tower).

12 – Iron Mine

This iron mine is involved in the quest The Witchers’ Forge. On a pedestal inside the mine, you’ll find the diagram for Superior Wolven Gauntlets.

13 – Forktail Cave

This cave is involved in the quest To Bait a Forktail. In the back of the cave where the forktail has its nest, you’ll find the diagram for Enhanced Wolven Gauntlets.

14 – Greenhouse

At this spot you’ll discover a “greenhouse” inside a shallow cave. Approaching it will trigger the quest Greenhouse Effect.

15 – Chort Cave

This cave is involved in the quest Berengar’s Blade. Inside the cave you’ll find the diagram for Superior Wolven Boots.

G – Guarded Treasure

P – Place of Power

$ – Treasure

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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