Iron Maiden – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest iron maiden map

1 – Sparring Ring
2 – Harviken
3 – Horned Hoskuld’s Sword


In the middle of Faroe in The Skellige Isles Southeast, you’ll meet a woman named Jutta an Dimun in a sparring ring (#1). Talking to her will trigger the quest.


Jutta will boast that no man has ever bested her in combat. If she’s heard of you (for example, from completing Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions) then she’ll agree to a duel. Otherwise, she’ll demand that you prove yourself, and she’ll (randomly) pick one of two tasks for you to complete: defeat Gundar in a fistfight or retrieve Horned Hoskuld’s Sword. You’ll find Gundar in Harviken (#2), and you’ll find the sword off the western coast of Faroe (#3).

When you fight Jutta, you won’t be allowed to use potions or signs — at least during the fight. They’ll cause you to fail the quest. But you can use them (and oils) before the fight starts, and nobody will notice. Jutta is just a solo combatant without a shield, so she shouldn’t be too difficult to defeat. Once you’ve done enough damage to her, she’ll stop the fight and you’ll earn 25 xp.

Jutta will then invite you to her home in Harviken. If you decline to go, then you’ll fail the quest. Otherwise, you’ll need to show up after dusk. When you talk to Jutta, you’ll get an opportunity to romance her. Whether you do or not, meeting with her will complete the quest.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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