Here Comes the Groom – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest here comes the groom map

1 – Svarlog
2 – Britt
3 – Side Passage
4 – Melusine Statue
5 – Steps to Ledge


  1. Cave entrance.


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the note “Contract: Nils’ Disappearance” on the notice board in Svorlag in The Skellige Isles Northwest (#1).


From the note you’ll learn that Nils has disappeared and that his fiancee Britt is worried about him. To learn more about the disappearance, you’ll need to meet with Britt’s brother Kevan and then Britt herself:

  • You’ll find Kevan in town just to the south of the notice board. He’ll tell you that he thinks Nils got cold feet about the wedding and ran away.
  • You’ll find Britt to the north of town (#2). She’ll tell you that Nils got snatched up by a monster, and that while she didn’t get a good look at it, it had “great wings” and carried Nils away to a cave to the southwest.

Inside the cave (Exit A), you’ll get attacked by a few drowners, but then you’ll spot the tracks of “a very big siren” and some scales with a “strange” color. About halfway into the cave, you’ll come to a religious statue (#4), and after examining it you’ll decide that you’re dealing with an ancient ekhidna named Melusine, who has been living in the cave for a long time. This realization will earn you 25 xp.

In the back of the cave (#5), you’ll get attacked by more drowners, and you’ll spot some climbable “steps” leading to a ledge outside. On the ledge you’ll find Nils’ corpse, and when you examine it, Melusine will show up and attack you. Like with all sirens, you’ll need to be patient and time your attacks so you hit her when she swoops down at you, which will cause her to fall to the ground. When she’s on the ground, you should be able to kill her quickly.

When Melusine dies, she’ll drop a leveled version of Assassin’s Trousers, an Ekhidna Mutagen, an Ekhidna Trophy, and more. When you show the trophy to Kevan (#1), he’ll pay you your negotiated fee, and you’ll also earn 250 xp — but then he’ll ask you to inform Britt about what happened. If you agree to do this, then Britt will try to pay you something extra. If you accept this bonus, then you’ll receive 25 crowns and 20 xp. If you refuse, then you’ll receive 25 xp.

Note: On the way back to Svarlog from the cave, if you follow the road, then you’ll probably run into a level 21 cyclops, so be prepared.

1 – Svarlog

2 – Britt

3 – Side Passage

If you can make it to the end of this passage, which will require you to do some jumping and climbing, then you’ll find the diagram for Ursine Crossbow.

4 – Melusine Statue

5 – Steps to Ledge


  1. Cave entrance.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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