Gwent: Old Pals and Gwent: Playing Thaler – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest gwent old pals and gwent playing thaler map

1 – Rosemary and Thyme
2 – Nowhere Inn
3 – Seven Cats Inn
4 – Temerian Partisan Hideout


After completing the quest A Poet Under Pressure, Zoltan will return to the Rosemary and Thyme in Novigrad (#1), and you’ll be able to play gwent with him there.


You’ll have to beat three or four gwent players for the quest Gwent: Old Pals, starting with Zoltan:

  • Zoltan. When you beat him you’ll receive the unique card Eithne (Ranged 10) and 25 xp. Zoltan will then tell you to check in on Vernon Roche.
  • Vernon Roche. He’ll usually be at the Temerian Partisan Hideout (#4), but during the quests An Eye for an Eye and A Deadly Plot he’ll leave, and you’ll have to advance those quests for him to return. When you beat Roche, you’ll receive the unique card Saesenthessis (Ranged 10) and 25 xp.

    Roche will then tell that Lambert and Thaler might be interested in a game — unless you haven’t completed A Deadly Plot yet, and then he’ll only mention Thaler. For that case, you’ll later receive the quest Gwent: Playing Thaler when you meet Thaler. But the reward for beating Thaler will be the same either way.
  • Thaler. You’ll meet him during the quest A Deadly Plot. After completing that quest, he’ll move over to the Seven Cats Inn (#3). When you beat Thaler, you’ll receive the unique card Geralt of Rivia (Close Combat 15) and 25 xp.
  • Lambert. You’ll meet him in Novigrad (mostly inside the Nowhere Inn, #2) during and after the quest Following the Thread. After that, you might be able to play him in Kaer Morhen. When you beat Lambert, you’ll receive the unique card Triss Merigold (Close Combat 7) and 25 xp.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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