This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Sigi Reuven so you can learn where to find Whoreson Junior, who might know something about Dandelion and Ciri. To contact Sigi, you’ll need to visit him in his bathhouse, which is located underneath Novigrad. You’ll find the entrance to the bathhouse in the center of the city (#1).
When you enter the bathhouse, you’ll be required to remove your weapons and clothing. You’ll then need to head over to the private bath chamber on the eastern side of establishment, where you’ll find Sigi, Cleaver, and the King of Beggars in the middle of a meeting. However, before much can be said, assassins sent by Junior will storm into the bathhouse, and you’ll have to use a simple cudgel and your signs to defeat them.
After the battle, Cleaver will be incensed, and he’ll storm off to wage war against Junior. You’ll then get a chance to talk to Sigi, and he’ll tell you three places where you might be able to find Junior: his arena, his gambling hall, and his house. This cut scene will earn you 150 xp, and it will also trigger the side quest The Gangs of Novigrad, which you should check out before continuing (since it will give you an extra way to conduct your searches).
You can search the locations in any order you want:
- Arena (Exit A). When you meet the bouncers at the entrance to the arena, you’ll be given a few ways to deal with them. This will give you two basic ways to proceed:
- If you claim to be Zdenek after finding his
Certificate (#2), or if you use Axii / Delusion, or if you pay a bribe of 100 crowns, then the bouncers will let you pass. Inside, you’ll need to talk to Igor (#5), who runs the establishment. If you tell him that you’re looking for work, and if you don’t mention Junior, then he’ll test you in the arena. If you mention Junior, then everybody in the establishment will attack you, and you’ll end up following the combat approach (see below).
Inside the arena (#6), you’ll have to fight several bouts: Gustav Roene (level 12), two warriors (level 12), a wyvern (level 11), two endregas (level 12), and Boris the bear (level 11). If you let Gustav live in the first bout, then Igor will release three dogs (level 9) to attack you, but Gustav will remain in the arena to help you out with the remaining bouts. After completing the bouts, Junior will show up and order his men to kill you.
If you threaten the bouncers, or if you have some of Cleaver’s henchdwarves with you (from the quest The Gangs of Novigrad), then you’ll have to fight the bouncers plus all of Junior’s men inside the arena.
That is, regardless of your choice, you’ll have to fight everybody. When you kill Igor, he’ll drop Igor’s Key. This will allow you to open the lockbox next to his throne (#5), where you’ll find a Message from Igor. The message will give you a hint about a secret door.
To open the secret door (#7), you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses. This will allow you to detect the scrape marks on the floor in front of it. Once you’ve spotted the marks, you’ll be allowed to interact with a torch on the wall to the right, which will open the door. In the secret stash beyond, you’ll find a chest containing a Mysterious Letter, which will indicate that Junior has been working with the Redanians. Reading the letter will earn you 150 xp.
- Gambling hall (#3). When you meet the bouncers at the entrance to the gambling hall, you’ll be given a few ways to deal with them. This will give you two basic ways to proceed:
- If you pay a 200 crown bribe, or if you use Axii / Delusion, then the bouncers will let you pass. Inside, you’ll meet three gwent players on the second floor. You’ll be able to play two of them for up to 100 crowns each (but no new cards). For each gwent player, you’ll just need to keep talking to them without mentioning Junior until you get the option to play. If you mention Junior, then everybody in the establishment will turn hostile, and you’ll end up following the combat approach (see below).
After winning two games, you’ll be invited to a special room on the third floor where people play for “really big stakes.” This is a ruse, of course. If you accept the invitation, then you’ll be led to the third floor, where you’ll be attacked for “cheating.” If you refuse the invitation, then Junior’s men will just attack you right away. So you’ll have to fight no matter what.
If you threaten the bouncers, or if you try to make a deal with them, or if you have Cleaver’s henchdwarves with you (from the quest The Gangs of Novigrad), then you’ll have to fight the bouncers plus all of Junior’s men inside the gambling hall.
After defeating Junior’s men in the gambling hall, you’ll need to make your way up to the room on the third floor (unless you’re already there). In the room you’ll meet Rico, a halfling mole for the King of Beggars (aka Bedlam). He’ll tell you that Junior is working with the Redanians. Hearing this will earn you 150 xp.
Note: If you free Rico, then you’ll trigger the quest Honor Among Thieves.
- House (#4). When you get to Junior’s house, you’ll find Cleaver’s men already there. Still, if you turn on your witcher senses, then you’ll find some things to examine — but they won’t reveal anything, and you’ll quickly realize that Cleaver’s men were thorough, and that you’re wasting your time. You won’t find anything at the house.
After learning about Junior’s connection to Redania, you’ll be able to return to Sigi (#1) and tell him what you’ve discovered. Sigi will suggest that you visit your old Redanian ally Vernon Roche, who is camped east of the city, and who might know where Junior is hiding. When you visit Roche (#8), he’ll agree to take you to his Redanian contact, and he’ll ask you to meet him at the bridge to Oxenfurt. This conversation will earn you 150 xp.
Note: Depending on your actions during The Witcher 2, you might have to do some fighting to enter Roche’s camp.
Another Note: Before heading to Oxenfurt to meet Roche, you should complete the quest The Gangs of Novigrad if you haven’t yet. Meeting Roche’s contact will fail that quest if it is still active.
At the bridge (#9), Roche will tell you that his contact is in the chess club to the south. Inside the club (#10), you’ll discover that the contact is none other than Radovid himself. Radovid will talk to you for a bit about chess, and then he’ll tell you where to find Junior — in a mansion to the west. You’ll just need to mention “new whores” to get inside. This conversation will earn you 150 xp, and when you leave the club with Roche, you’ll trigger the quest An Eye for an Eye.
When you reach the entrance to the mansion (#11), you’ll have two ways to proceed:
- You can use the passphrase Radovid told you about and then claim to be new. The gate guards will tell you that you should enter the mansion via the back canal entrance. This will require you to enter a house behind the mansion, descend a ladder into a cave system, and then follow the tunnels roughly west until you reach a weak wall. Destroying the wall with Aard and then passing through it will put you in the basement of Junior’s mansion. You’ll immediately encounter a few of Junior’s men there, and they’ll recognize that you lied to get in. So you’ll have to kill them plus a couple more men in the rooms above.
- You can attack the two gate guards. When they die, they’ll drop the Key to Whoreson Junior’s Estate, which will allow you to pass through the gate. However, once inside, Junior’s other guards will attack you, and you’ll have to kill them as well.
You’ll find Junior on the top floor of the mansion. He’ll be with several dead prostitutes, which will prompt you to beat him up a bit before asking him questions. Eventually, Junior will tell you that he made a deal with Ciri and Dandelion. He agreed to fix a phylactery for them in exchange for Sigi’s treasure — only when they didn’t deliver, he kidnapped their compatriot Dudu the doppler. Junior’s explanation will lead to one of Ciri’s flashback quests.
Ciri’s Story: Visiting Junior
For this quest you’ll be in control of Ciri. Dandelion will be with you, but regardless of what you say to him, he’ll stay behind and cover your retreat. What you’ll need to do is rescue Dudu from one of Junior’s houses on Temple Isle. Dudu will be on the top floor, so you’ll need to climb a ladder and then do some jumping / climbing to reach the roof. From there you’ll need to walk along the roof to the east until you spot a balcony that you can jump down to. The balcony will give you access to Dudu’s room via a window.
Inside Dudu’s room you’ll witness Junior torturing Dudu. This will lead to a fight between you and Junior, which you should be able to win relatively easily. However, you might want to drag the fight out so your exceptional regeneration rate gets you back to full health by the end. That’s because Junior’s men will hear the fighting, and they’ll rush into the room to attack you while Dudu escapes out the window. While fighting the men, you might need to dodge around to do some healing, but otherwise the battle should be straightforward.
To escape from the house, for some reason you won’t be able to use the window like Dudu. Instead, you’ll have to descend through the interior of the house, fighting Junior’s men as you go. So rest up between battles, and if you get too damaged during a fight, then just retreat upstairs. Junior’s men won’t (or at least are extremely unlikely to) follow. When you eventually go through the front door, the flashback quest will come to an end.
Back with Geralt and Junior, you’ll have to decide Junior’s fate. If you kill him, then Dudu will eventually impersonate him and take over his empire, and handle it much more wholesomely. But if you let Junior live, then you’ll eventually see him again, living as a beggar in the streets. Either way you’ll earn 500 xp for completing the quest.
Note: At the end of the quest, the game might say that you’ve triggered the quest Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby, but it won’t show up in your quest list. This is a bug, but only a minor one. The notice will just let you know that the quest is now available. To trigger it for real, you’ll just need to travel to the Vegelbud residence (northwest of #8) and talk to the Race Master at the adjacent racetrack.