For the Advancement of Learning – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest for the advancement of learning map

1 – Starting Point
2 – Vserad’s Tower


You’ll trigger this quest after helping Keira Metz during the quest A Favor for a Friend.


When you wake up in the morning after having your romantic (or not) dinner with Keira (#1), she’ll be gone, and you’ll decide that she must be up to something. During your meal with Keira the previous evening, she quizzed you about Alexander’s laboratory on Fyke Isle, so you’ll conclude that that’s a good place to look for her.

When you reach Vserad’s tower on Fyke Isle (#2), you’ll earn 50 xp, and you’ll be just in time to see Keira leaving with Alexander’s Notes. You’ll have three ways that you can play the encounter:

  • If you demand that Keira hand over the notes, then she’ll attack you. She’ll cast some spells and teleport around, but as long as you keep moving to engage her, she shouldn’t be too bad. Once you’ve killed Keira, you’ll take the notes from her and burn them. This option will earn you 200 xp.
  • You can let Keira go to Novigrad to try and sell the notes to King Radovid. However, later you’ll learn that Radovid wasn’t interested in the deal and had Keira burned at the stake. This option will earn you 100 xp.
  • You can invite Keira to go to Kaer Morhen. She’ll accept, and later she’ll help you against the Wild Hunt. It won’t make any difference if you collect Alexander’s Notes from her before she leaves. This option will earn you 100 xp.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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