Fists of Fury: Velen – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest fists of fury velen map

1 – Crow’s Perch Inner Keep
2 – Blackbough
3 – Lindenvale
4 – Crossroads


You’ll receive this quest from the “Fist Fights” note on the notice board in the Crow’s Perch inner keep in Velen West (#1). You won’t gain access to the inner keep until you’ve progressed far enough in the quest Bloody Baron.


For this quest you’ll have to defeat four opponents in fistfights, in the order listed:

  • Jonah (in Blackbough, #2). You’ll earn 25 xp for defeating him, plus your monetary reward based in your bet (up to 50 crowns).
  • Fishgulper (in Lindenvale, #3). He’ll ask you to take pity on him so he can win the prize for the fight. If you agree, then you’ll be able to beat him in a rematch to continue the quest. If you refuse, then you’ll be able to give him 5 crowns afterwards so he can feed himself. We didn’t see any difference between the two options, but probably something bad will happen to Fishgulper if you don’t help him in some way.

    You’ll earn 25 xp for defeating Fishgulper, plus your monetary reward based on your bet (up to 70 crowns). You won’t lose any money if you throw the fight.
  • Smithy (at the Crossroads inn, #4). You’ll earn 25 xp for defeating him, plus your monetary reward based in your bet (up to 70 crowns).
  • Sergeant (at the Crow’s Perch inner keep, #1). You’ll earn 75 xp for defeating him, plus your monetary reward based in your bet (up to 80 crowns).

For each fight you’ll have to talk to a nearby bookie first. He’s the one who will allow you to make a bet. If the bookie won’t respond to you when you talk to him, then you might need to stand next to him for a while so he talks to you first.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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