Fencing Lessons – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest fencing lessons map

1 – Var Attre Estate
2 – Rosa
3 – Duel Site
4 – Seven Cats Inn


You can pick up this quest from Rosa var Attre when you talk to her during the quest Broken Flowers.


Rosa will ask you for private fencing lessons. If you agree, then she’ll invite you to return to her estate (#1) the next day. You don’t actually have to return the next day. As long as you wait at least one day, you can return at any time after that. However, when you present yourself at the front door, the guard captain there will tell you that Rosa has gone for a walk in the southern part of the city. Learning this will earn you 10 xp.

When you find Rosa (#2), she’ll order her bodyguard to leave, and she’ll challenge you to a duel using real weapons (#3). This probably won’t be a tough fight. Once you’ve done enough damage to Rosa, she’ll end the lesson, and she’ll order you to turn around so she can adjust her corset. After complying, when you look Rosa’s way again, she’ll be gone, and you’ll realize that she’s ditched you and her bodyguard both. This will earn you 25 xp.

To find Rosa, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses, which will allow you to follow Rosa’s footprints to the Seven Cats Inn (#4). There you’ll find Rosa being harassed by the peasants Kobe and Lucas. You’ll have three ways to get rid of the duo. You can kill them, you can pay them off, or you can use Axii / Delusion on them. Regardless of your choice, Rosa will go home, and you’ll earn 25 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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