Feet as Cold as Ice – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest feet as cold as ice map

1 – Jacquette
2 – Main Chamber
3 – Roots
4 – Grottore’e Lair


  1. Cave entrance.


You’ll receive this quest from Jacquette in Beauclair (#1).


Jacquette will tell you that her betrothed, Francois le Goff, set out to kill the beast Grottore to prove his love for her — only he’s been gone for two weeks now and nobody has seen hide nor hair of him. So she’ll ask you to track him down, and she’ll suggest that you search a cave at the foot of the Gorgon Hills.

When you reach the cave (Exit A), you’ll spot the remains of other adventurers who went after Grottore, and you’ll meet Francois. He’ll lead you back to his nearby camp, where he’ll explain that he’s had to “prepare properly” for the encounter. Regardless of how you respond, he’ll march right back to the cave so he can confront Grottore.

You’ll have two ways to proceed:

  • If you don’t follow Francois right away, then he’ll get killed. To complete the quest, you’ll just need to find his body in the cave (#2), and then return to Jacquette (#1). You’ll earn 200 xp when you talk to her, and if you ask her about your reward, then she’ll pay you what she owes (but she won’t think too highly of you).

    Before returning to Jacquette, you can also explore the rest of the cave and kill Grottore. This will work just like if you had entered the cave with Francois, except you won’t have Francois “helping” you out (see below). Killing Grottore won’t change how Jacquette reacts to you.
  • You can enter the cave with Francois. You won’t see Grottore when you arrive, but if you search the main chamber (#2) using your witcher senses, then you’ll spot impressive red flowers, roots blocking the back portion of the cave (#3), and baby bones and shoes. After examining enough items, you’ll determine that you’re dealing with a spriggan (a relict). You’ll then need to read the bestiary entry for Grottore.

    To lure Grottore out of his lair (#4), you’ll need to burn the red flowers in the main chamber. There are four sets of flowers. You’ll just need to set three of them on fire using Igni. Conveniently, lighting the flowers on fire will also light up the cave.

    When Grottore appears, he’ll attack you with roots, and he’ll also summon some archespores. The latter will make the fight much easier. You’ll just need to quaff some Superior Golden Oriole, and then if you take too much damage, you can just let the archespores poison you for healing. Otherwise, just try to kill the spriggan quickly so you can keep Francois alive. If he dies, then you’ll get the same result as if you had let him enter the cave alone (see above).

    After the battle, Francois will admit that he doesn’t really want to get married, and he’ll offer to let you keep the Grottore Trophy while he pursues an even more fantastic proof of his love for Jacquette. You’ll have two choices:
    • If you accept the trophy, then when you return to Jacquette, you’ll learn that she and Francois have broken up. But you’ll still receive your negotiated fee plus 200 xp.
    • If you convince Francois to take the trophy and return to Beauclair, then when you return to Jacquette, you’ll learn that the happy couple is about to get married. Jacquette will then pay you your negotiated fee, and you’ll also earn 200 xp.

Note: You’ll also find a random armor dye formula in Grottore’s lair (#4), plus a leveled version of the silver sword Fen’aeth on Grottore’s corpse.

Another Note: If you kill Grottore with Francois, then you’ll earn the Valor virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One.

1 – Jacquette

2 – Main Chamber

3 – Roots

The roots will block you from reaching Grottore’s lair (#4).

4 – Grottore’e Lair

Inside the lair, you’ll find a random armor dye formula on a skeleton.


  1. Cave entrance.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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