Enchanting: Quality Has Its Price – Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest enchanting quality has its price map

1 – Upper Mill
2 – Bloodrot Pit


You’ll trigger this quest after you’ve completed the quest Enchanting: Start-Up Costs for the runewright at the Upper Mill in the Novigrad Far Outskirts (#1).


At the start of the quest, the runewright will tell you that he still needs one more thing before he can open his shop — “a jade stone of size substantial.” Before you can go mining for such a gem, you’ll need to acquire a Pickaxe. Luckily, you’ll find one in the barn attached to the house just to the east of the runewright’s tent.

Once you’ve grabbed the Pickaxe, the game will show you three places where you might be able to find Jade. However, the northernmost and southernmost sites won’t yield a large enough stone, so you’ll have to brave Bloodrot Pit (#2), where you’ll encounter a cluster of arachnomorphs (spider-like insectoids). After defeating the arachnomorphs, you’ll find the Jade deposit in the center of the cave.

When you deliver the Jade to the runewright, he’ll thank you for your help, and he’ll make his shop available to you. You’ll also earn 100 xp. From this point on, the runewright will sell you runes and glyphs at his shop, and he’ll also enchant your weapons and armor with rune / glyph “words,” which are a combination of three runes or glyphs, and which can only fit onto weapons and armor that have three slots available.

In its initial state, the runewright’s shop will only have lesser runes and glyphs available, and the runewright will only be able to enchant your equipment with eight lesser words. If you invest another 10,000 crowns, then the runewright will add regular runes and glyphs, plus eight regular words. If you invest another 15,000 crowns, then the runewright will add greater runes and glyphs, plus seven greater words. You’ll also earn 100 xp for completing the shop.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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