Echoes of the Past – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest echoes of the past map

1 – Druids’ Camp
2 – Yennefer
3 – Vision Spots
4 – Remains


For this quest, you’ll need to meet Yennefer at the site of the magical cataclysm in Ard Skellig (#1). However, when you get there, you’ll find Yennefer arguing with Ermion, who won’t be happy that the two of you stole the Mask of Uroboros from him. During the ensuing conversation, you’ll learn that the mask can reveal the past, but that it might also cause flooding where it’s used. Suddenly, Ermion will realize that Yennefer has slipped away and used the mask, and he’ll race after her with some other druids, and they’ll start casting a spell to prevent the area from flooding.

When you catch up to Yennefer, you’ll find her fighting a foglet (#2). After the battle, she’ll inform you that the mask can only reveal the past in certain places, and she’ll hand it over to you so you can wear it to see what happened, while she watches through your eyes. Yennefer will then lead you to the places where you’ll need to use the mask (#3). During this trek, you’ll get attacked by more foglets, but you’ll witness four things:

  • Ciri and a companion appearing through a portal,
  • Ciri and her companion fighting some people and causing a massive explosion,
  • Ciri getting wounded but escaping through a portal to Velen, and finally
  • Ciri’s companion — a mage — repelling the attacker who wounded Ciri and then fleeing through a portal to Velen as well.

Ermion will show up at this point, and while he won’t be happy with you, he’ll join you as you look for the body of the attacker. You’ll quickly find it pinned under a tree (#4), and you’ll realize that it was a rider from the Wild Hunt. Ermion will then mention that the Wild Hunt recently caused a commotion at Hindarsfjall, and you’ll decide to go there next. If you want, you can teleport there with Yennefer right away, or you can meet her there. Either way, you’ll earn 500 xp for completing the quest.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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