This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
For this quest you’ll need to show Olgierd von Everec’s brother Vlodimir the time of his life — which probably wouldn’t be too difficult except for the fact that Vlodimir is dead. To help you out in your task, Gaunter O’Dimm will recommend that you use a Blood Summoning to raise Vlodimir, and he’ll give you some
Von Everec Blood for the task. He’ll also suggest that you talk to Shani about the von Everecs.
You’ll find Shani in her clinic in Oxenfurt (#1). She’ll inform you that Vlodimir is buried in his family crypt at the von Everec estate, and that you’ll need a
Censer when you summon him. She’ll then mention that she’d like to see the crypt, and she’ll offer to meet you there and bring the
Censer with her. This conversation will earn you 150 xp.
Note: If you search Shani’s room, then you’ll find the book Famous Redanian Dynasties (in a shelf), which will include the von Everecs, and a Wedding Invitation (on her nightstand), which will become a topic of conversation later.
When you travel to the von Everec estate, you’ll find Shani waiting for you by the southern entrance (#2). She’ll be making a garland for the upcoming wedding of her friend, which she’ll invite you to. It won’t make any difference how you respond. Shani will then give you the
Censer, and the two of you will head over to the crypt entrance (Exit A). But when you get there, Shani will decide that it looks too creepy, and she’ll wait for you outside.
Inside the crypt, you should do some exploring and looting. When you enter the central chamber (#6), you’ll get attacked by four level 33 wraiths, but elsewhere you can find the
Ofieri Kilij steel sword (#5), a couple of random treasure chests ($), numerous small piles of crowns, and more.
When you’re ready to begin the ritual, you should examine the coffins in the crypt until you find Vlodimir’s (#7). You’ll then need to walk through the crypt with the
Censer active (you’ll automatically equip it) to spread incense around. Finally, you’ll need to return to the central chamber, light the votive fire, and spray the
Von Everec Blood on it. This will cause several von Everec ghosts to appear and attack you, but we found them to be less challenging than the wraiths, making the fight straightforward.
When the battle is complete, Vlodimir will finally make an appearance. He’ll be amenable to having the time of his life, but since he can’t touch anything while in ghost form, he’ll complain that he can’t “revel properly.” You’ll then work out that he’ll have to possess someone. He won’t like any of your suggestions, so he’ll possess you.
At this point Shani will enter the crypt, and she’ll be surprised when you’re suddenly much more charming and poetic. But by the by you’ll explain the situation, and you’ll decide to accompany her to her friend’s wedding (regardless of what you might have said earlier) — or at least the reception in Brunwich since Vlodimir doesn’t like temples. This conversation will earn you 100 xp.
Note: You’ll get several dialogue options involving Shani during this quest, but nothing you say will affect whether you can romance her later.
At Brunwich (#3), Vlodimir will steal
Hunting Trousers,
Ornate Boots, and an
Ornate Robe so he can improve your appearance, and he’ll also change your grooming style. Then he’ll escort Shani to the festivities. Along the way, Shani will mention that she likes rowan berries. This will become relevant later on. You’ll earn 100 xp at the end of the conversation.
To start the festivities, you’ll need to follow Shani to the bride and groom. After talking to them, lots of activities will become available. It won’t make any difference what you say or do during them. Vlodimir will have a good time regardless. The activities are listed below:
- Dancing (inside). You’ll dance with Shani by the bandstand.
- Drinking. You’ll drink with a pair of ladies at a table.
- Drinking (inside). You’ll drink with a pair of dwarves at a table.
- Flirting. You’ll flirt with a woman.
- Hunting. When you talk to the bride’s parents, you’ll learn that the groom’s dog chased away a fire eater. To locate him, you’ll need to follow the dog’s tracks outside the village to the northwest. Along the way, you’ll stumble across the
Fire Swallower’s Cap. When you reach the fire eater, you can calm the dog using Axii, or you can chase it away using a stick. You can then convince the fire eater to return to the party (killing a boar during the trip), or you can let him go and replace him by performing a juggling act yourself. As long as somebody performs, you’ll earn 200 xp. Otherwise, you’ll only earn 50 xp.
- Insulting. You’ll insult a woman sitting by a tree.
- Pig chasing. To learn about the pig chasing challenge, you’ll need to talk to the townsman leaning against the gate to the pigsty. He’ll let you go inside, where you’ll need to “guide” the two yellow-ringed pigs into their pen. When you eventually succeed, you’ll win a stuffed pig for Shani, a
King of Swineherd’s Crown for yourself, and 200 xp. This activity will lead you to wooing a woman and fighting her brothers, which will earn you another 200 xp.
- Playing cards. You’ll play gwent with some halflings. If you beat them, then you’ll earn 200 xp. But if you’re defeated, then you’ll lose 5% of your crowns, you’ll have to wear
Ass Ears for the rest of the night, and you’ll earn 50 xp.
- Shoe retrieving. At the dock you’ll learn about a game called “Slip in for a Slipper,” where you’ll need to dive into the adjacent pond to retrieve a maiden’s shoe. Shani will toss one of her shoes in for you, and you’ll find it in the northeastern part of the pond. Turn on your witcher senses if you have trouble spotting it. To complete the task, you’ll need to talk to Shani while you have her shoe in your possession. If you only retrieved her shoe, then you’ll receive 200 xp. But if you retrieved extra shoes (there are three total), then you’ll only receive 50 xp.
- Sitting and talking (inside, on the upper floor reached via a ladder). You’ll have a short conversation with Shani where you’ll stammer over your words. But before leaving, you should pick up the unique Cow (ranged 0) gwent card on the floor. It’ll summon a Bovine Defense Force (melee 8) card the round after it is removed from the board. To more easily spot the card, just turn on your witcher senses.
About halfway through the evening, you’ll automatically share a dance with Shani. Gaunter O’Dimm will show up at this point, and he’ll dedicate a romantic song for you. Vlodimir will try to take advantage of the situation and make a pass at Shani, but she’ll rebuff him. Seeing Gaunter will lead to a conversation with him, where you’ll learn that Vlodimir envies his brother Olgierd, that he died a coward, and that gingerbread requires time. Completing the conversation will earn you 150 xp.
At the end of the activities, you’ll witness the “capping” ceremony, during which the bride will toss a garland to the maids — and which Shani will catch, signifying that she’s the next who will get married. Then Vlodimir will use your blood to pen a letter to Olgierd, which will complete the evening. However, despite the evening being over, Vlodimir won’t want to leave. But Gaunter will appear again, and he’ll force Vlodimir to return to his crypt.
At this point, Shani will decide to go and check on the bride. She’ll sound sort of sad and disappointed, so Gaunter will recommend that you chase after her. This will trigger the quest A Midnight Clear. You’ll also earn you 200 xp.
To complete this quest, you’ll just need to visit Olgierd at the Alchemy inn in Oxenfurt (#1). When he sees the letter that Vlodimir wrote, he’ll believe that you’ve fulfilled his wish. This will complete the quest and earn you 150 xp.
Note: When you talk to Olgierd in the inn, you’ll also be able to play him in gwent. If you beat him, then you’ll win the Toad (ranged 7 scorch) card.
1 – Oxenfurt
2 – Shani
3 – Brunwich
4 – Locked Gate
To open this gate, you’ll need the key from the corpse to the north (#9).
5 – Ofieri Kilij
6 – Votive Fire
7 – Vlodimir’s Coffin
8 – Weak Wall
9 – Corpse
You’ll find a Crypt Key on this corpse.
- Crypt entrance.