This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
You won’t gain access to Sigi Reuven (aka Dijkstra) until you’ve completed the first part of the quest Get Junior. At that point Sigi will move over to his office in the bathhouse (#1), where you’ll be able to talk to him.
When you ask Sigi about Dandelion, he won’t know anything, but he’ll make you a deal. If you solve a problem for him, then he’ll try to find out more about Dandelion for you. If you agree to this, then Sigi will head over to his private bath chamber, where he’ll drain the pool, revealing a ladder down to the cellar (Exit B).
In the cellar, Sigi will show you three things: his guard, a troll named Bart (#2); a big hole in the wall where thieves used explosives to break in (#3); and his empty treasure chamber (#4). He’ll then ask you to figure out what happened and get his gold back. He’ll also mention that the sewers adjacent to the cellar have toxic mold growing in them, and he’ll give you some Pops’ Mold Antidote (plus the recipe for it) so you can walk around without taking damage.
When you examine the hole, you’ll notice that it’s right next to a drainpipe from the bathhouse above it. Then when you look around the sewers beyond the hole, you’ll spot pieces of the pipe but no debris from the bomb, and you’ll speculate that the debris must have floated downriver.
In order to travel downriver, you’ll need to pass through the toxic mold, so you should quaff a charge of the antidote first. Then as you follow the river, you’ll pass by two corpses (#5), and you’ll encounter some drowners. To get the drowners to stop spawning, you’ll need to burn the two corpses using Igni. During your explorations, you’ll also notice some minor loot dropped by the thieves, and at the end of the sewers (#6), you’ll finally spot a piece of the bomb. When you examine it, you’ll notice that it’s made out of silver, and that it smells like wyvern oil and caramel.
When you return to Sigi (#1), you’ll work out that somebody must have dropped the bomb down one of the drains in the bathhouse. This deduction will earn you 200 xp. Sigi will then ask you to search two of the pools (#7) while he searches the rest. You won’t find anything interesting at the western pool, but at the eastern pool you’ll find traces of oil and another piece of the silver bomb casing. When you check the customer logs, you’ll discover that Margrave Henckel — who happens to be dead — visited the eastern pool on the day of the heist. So Sigi will ask you to visit the margrave’s house and see if you can find any traces of the bomber. You’ll earn 50 xp at the end of the conversation.
At the margrave’s house (#8), the front entrance will be boarded up, and you’ll either need to use your weapons or the Aard sign to break through. Then inside the house, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses and search thoroughly. You’ll find four things of interest: a silver cylinder that matches the style of the bomb, footprints leading upstairs and through a wall, a
Bottle of Wine, and a Mysterious Note requesting that you try “the wine from your birth year” and then put it back.
The items in the margrave’s house form a minor puzzle. To complete it, you’ll just need to enter the wine chamber on the upper floor and return the
Bottle of Wine to the only place you can — the slot marked 1251 (Ciri’s birth year). When you do, the wall in the adjacent room will slide open, allowing you to follow the footprints to their destination — a secret chamber.
Inside the secret chamber, you’ll find the ingredients used to construct the bomb, bomb-making instructions written by Kalkstein, and a Letter from Dudu (Biberveldt) indicating that Caleb Menge captured Dandelion and confiscated Sigi’s treasure. After examining these items, you’ll earn 50 xp, and you’ll hear a noise downstairs. When you go down to investigate, you’ll find Sigi and Triss in the house. Sigi will listen to what you’ve learned — the part without Dandelion anyway — and he’ll order you and Triss to visit Menge and find out where his treasure is.
Instead of storming into the witch hunters’ barracks to confront Menge, Triss will ask you to meet her at the shrine to the eternal fire (#9) at midnight so you can work out a plan. When you get there, Triss will suggest a ruse — that you bring her to the barracks as a prisoner and then trick Menge into giving you the information you need. But she’ll warn you that she’ll get tortured while you’re there, and that you should ignore it.
At the barracks (#10), as long as you don’t start a fight, you’ll be led to Menge. You’ll then have two basic ways to proceed:
- If you keep your conversation with Menge polite, and if you allow Triss to be tortured, then eventually Menge will ask you what you want for a reward. You’ll have two choices:
- If you say you want Dandelion freed, then Menge will refuse, but he’ll reveal that Dandelion is being held in the dungeons beneath Temple Isle. Menge will then notice that the torture room is awfully quite, and when he goes there to investigate, Triss will kill him, just like she did all of the torturers. Afterwards, when you search Menge’s corpse, you’ll find Menge’s Key plus the Key to Dijkstra’s Treasury. This sequence will earn you 300 xp.
Note: For this path only, you’ll be given the optional objective of escaping the barracks without being seen. But you won’t receive a reward for completing the objective, so there isn’t any downside to exploring the rest of the barracks and finishing off the remaining witch hunters.
- If you ask about Sigi’s treasure, then you’ll learn that it’s being held in a Koviri bank. However, the rest of the conversation will lead to you fighting Menge and his men, and this option will oriceed about the same as the all combat option (see below).
- If you don’t keep your conversation with Menge polite, or if you cut it short to end the torture, or if you don’t let the witch hunters have Triss at all, then you’ll have to fight everyone in the barracks, including Menge. This fight might be tough depending on your level, just because you’ll be up against about a dozen enemies. So dodge around as necessary, and if you get into trouble, then just run outside the building. Most of the interior hunters won’t chase you there.
At the end of the battle, you’ll earn 200 xp, and Triss will ask you to search Menge’s desk while she searches his body. You’ll find a Letter to Caleb Menge and Menge’s Holy Tome while she’ll find Menge’s Key plus the Key to Dijkstra’s Treasury. The letter will indicate that a spy named Yamurlak knows something about Dandelion, and you’ll decide to ask Sigi about him.
To escape the barracks, you’ll need to open the locked door in Menge’s office using Menge’s Key. This will take you to a courtyard behind the barracks where Triss will decide to set the place on fire. Afterwards, she’ll teleport herself away. To get away yourself, you’ll need to climb the wall on the western side, using some crates as stepping stones.
As you move away from the barracks, you’ll be stopped by a messenger from Sigi, and you’ll automatically move to his location so you can talk to him (#11). Sigi won’t be happy with you since he’ll have figured out that you were covering for Dandelion, but he’ll still reward you for your help — 90 crowns and 100 xp regardless of what you discovered. Later, when you return to Sigi after he’s found his treasure, he’ll give you 500 crowns (if you only found the key) or 1000 crowns (if you also learned the location). If Sigi ends up happy with you, then he might also provide you with some minor assistance during a couple of upcoming quests.
Finally, if you didn’t discover where Dandelion is being held, then you’ll be able to ask Sigi about the spy Yamurlak, and Sigi will tell you which house he uses for his meetings. To set up a meeting with Yamurlak, you’ll need to deposit Menge’s Holy Tome into the drop box indicated in the letter (#12), head over to the meeting house at midnight (#13), and hide behind the door. Triss will join you there, and when Yanurlak shows up, Triss will torture him until he talks. You’ll learn that Dandelion is being held in the dungeons beneath Temple Isle. This will earn you 50 xp.
To complete the quest, you’ll just need to return to Priscilla in her room upstairs in the Kingfisher (#14), and update her on your progress.