This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.
When you return to Dandelion at the Chameleon (#1) — aka the Rosemary and Thyme — at the end of the quest Cabaret, you’ll get word that Priscilla was attacked, and that she’s now at the Vilmerius Hospital. This announcement will trigger the quest.
You and Dandelion will rush to the hospital (#2), where you’ll find Priscilla wounded and unconscious, and where you’ll meet the surgeon Joachim von Gratz. Von Gratz will tell you that Priscilla had her larynx cut, that she was forced to drink some sort of caustic liquid, and that he’s seen wounds of this nature before. In fact, he’ll inform you that a similar victim is currently awaiting autopsy in the morgue, but that for you to get in to see it, you’ll have to sneak in via the sewers. Von Gratz will then offer to show you the way. If you agree to go with him, then you’ll automatically travel to the sewers. Otherwise, you’ll have to go there on your own.
Inside the sewers (#3), you’ll encounter some level 16 drowners and a level 17 water hag, but von Gratz will help you with his crossbow, so the battles shouldn’t be too bad. You’ll only have one way that you can go in the sewers, so it won’t take you long to reach the morgue.
Inside the morgue (#4), von Gratz will tell you that you’re looking for the body of a dwarven woodcutter named Fabian Meyer. So you’ll have to examine bodies until you locate the right one. When you get to Meyer, von Gratz will perform an autopsy. You’ll learn that Meyer had his eyes and heart removed, that he was forced to drink a scalding liquid, that a salamander egg was placed into his chest cavity, and that he’s missing his ring. You’ll decide that the murderer is following some sort of a ritual.
At the end of the autopsy, the coroner Hubert Rejk will come in, and you’ll learn from him that Meyer was killed in his workshop, and that Eustace the corpse collector found him. Then Reverend Nathaniel Pastodi will see you, and he’ll kick you out of the morgue.
You’ll have four places that you can search for more clues:
- Eustace (#5). He’ll mention that he’s seen lots of corpses with the same injuries as Meyer, but that Reverend Nathaniel always orders them to be burned. If you pay Eustace 200 crowns or use Axii / Delusion on him, then he’ll admit to stealing Meyer’s ring. He’ll also mention that he found a letter — written on human skin — with Priscilla’s name on it.
- The workshop (#6). When you knock on the door of the workshop, you’ll meet Meyer’s brother Gus. Gus won’t tell you anything useful, but when you examine the workshop and its adjacent grounds, you’ll find a Concerned Citizen’s Sermon and Fabian’s eyes, you’ll detect the scent of formaldehyde, and you’ll spot blood on the floor — but not as much as there should be. Given the raunchy religious statues Fabian produced, you’ll speculate that someone wanted to teach him a lesson.
- The alley where Priscilla was attacked (#7). When you approach the alley, a guard will come up to you. He’ll tell you that there’s been another victim, and that you can view it in the morgue (see below).
In the alley itself, you’ll meet Whistling Wendy, but when you approach her, she’ll spring an ambush, and her three brothers will attack you. After boxing the brothers into submission, Wendy will reveal that she thought you were the killer. She’ll then tell you what she knows — that there have been lots of victims, and that Priscilla angered the Eternal Fire by using prostitutes in her productions.
When you turn on your witcher senses and examine the alley, you’ll detect the scent of formaldehyde again, and you’ll spot a man’s footprints leading to a wall, where you’ll find another Concerned Citizen’s Sermon.
- Morgue (#4). After learning about the most recent victim (while you’re at the alley), when you return to the morgue, you’ll discover that he was Joris Aquinus, a professor of theology at Oxenfurt Academy — who was frequently critical of the Eternal Fire. When Coroner Rejk performs the autopsy, he’ll find a letter from a Concerned Citizen in the chest cavity. It’ll have Patricia Vegelbud’s name on it.
At the Vegelbud Residence (#8), you’ll be shown to Ingrid Vegelbud, Patricia’s daughter. She’ll tell you that her mother recently had a crisis of faith, and that she had all objects associated with the Eternal Fire taken out and burned. Then when you get to Patricia’s room, you’ll discover that you’re too late — in a sense. Patricia will be dead, but Ingrid will catch sight of the killer running away.
Unfortunately, as you’re giving chase, the Vegelbud guards will mistake you for the killer, and they’ll capture you and deliver you to Ingrid. So the real killer will get away, but Ingrid will allow you to examine Patricia’s body, where you’ll find a note listing Sweet Nettie at Crippled Kate’s as the next victim. You’ll also find another Concerned Citizen’s Sermon.
At Crippled Kate’s (#9), you’ll discover Nettie on the top floor with Reverend Nathaniel. He’ll be using a hot poker on her. You’ll have two ways to proceed:
- If you immediately attack Nathaniel, then you’ll kill him before he can say anything, and you’ll never catch the real killer.
- If you talk to Nathaniel, then you’ll realize he’s being framed by Coroner Rejk, and he’ll inform you that Rejk is currently at a warehouse at the docks. You’ll then have three choices for what to do about Nathaniel. You can allow him to continue torturing Nettie, you can use Axii / Delusion on him to make him leave, or you can kill him.
If you kill Nathaniel, either before or after talking to him, then you’ll receive a leveled version of Tracker’s Trousers, the diagram for
Ard Skellig Aketon, and 100 xp.
Assuming you learned about Coroner Rejk, when you reach the warehouse (#10), you’ll find him there alone, and he’ll reveal that he’s a vampire. No matter what you say to him, your conversation will lead to a fight, so be sure you have some Vampire Oil ready. Rejk will turn transparent (but still visible) and he’ll regenerate quickly, so press your attack and use bombs if necessary to down him quickly. When Rejk dies, he’ll drop a leveled version of the silver sword Deargdeith, a Katakan Mutagen, and more, and you’ll also receive the diagram for
Assassin’s Boots, a
Lesser Svarog Runestone, and 500 xp.
To complete the quest, you’ll just need to return to the hospital (#2). When you return to Priscilla’s room, and you’ll learn that Priscilla is recovering nicely and that one day she might even sing again.