Cabaret – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest cabaret map

1 – Rosemary and Thyme
2 – Irina’s Theater
3 – Sophronia’s House
4 – Polly’s House
5 – Rautlec’s House
6 – Race Track


You’ll trigger this quest at the end of the quest A Poet Under Pressure.


When you go to see Dandelion inside the Rosemary and Thyme in Novigrad (#1), he’ll tell you that he’d like to transform the place into a cabaret, except for the small problem that he can’t afford it. Regardless of how you respond, he’ll inform you that he has a plan for gaining the necessary funds — a loan from a former lover of his named Sophronia. All you’ll need to do for the plan is borrow a Blunt Sword from Madame Irina (#2) and then meet Dandelion outside Sophronia’s house during the night. Irina will hand over the sword without issue.

When you meet with Dandelion (#3), he’ll tell you the rest of his plan. You’ll need to wield the Blunt Sword and pretend to be a bandit, while Dandelion plays the Crimson Avenger and rescues Sophronia from your evil clutches. Dandelion will even give you some lines to read.

When Sophronia shows up, you’ll begin your performance. It won’t make any difference if you read Dandelion’s lines or not, but when the fight starts up, you should let Dandelion win. If he wins, then you’ll earn 50 xp. If you win, then you’ll only earn 25 xp. But either way, Dandelion will go off with Sophronia, and he’ll invite you to meet with him in the morning at the Rosemary and Thyme.

Note: After the performance, you’ll still be wielding the Blunt Sword, so be sure to swap your regular steel sword back in before you do any serious fighting.

In the morning when you return to the Rosemary and Thyme (#1), you won’t find Dandelion there. Instead, you’ll find Priscilla talking to the decorators. The decorators will want to know if they should be following a boudoir theme or a theatrical theme for the renovations. Priscilla will try to get you to make the decision. If you force her to make it instead, then she’ll choose randomly. When Dandelion later returns and examines the decor, you’ll find out that he wanted the theatrical theme, but your choice won’t otherwise make a difference.

After the decorators get to work, Priscilla will tell you that Dandelion might be visiting Polly, their choreographer, who has missed the last few days of work. You’ll find Polly’s house to the west (#4). When you get there, you’ll discover Dandelion pounding on the front door trying to get in. He’ll tell you that Polly and her fiance are fighting. When you offer to break the door down, Dandelion will inform you that Polly keeps a spare key hidden somewhere. To find the key, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses. You’ll find the key in a bucket.

Inside Polly’s house, her fiance Hubio won’t be happy to see you. You’ll have two ways to deal with him. You can let Dandelion explain that his establishment is now a cabaret rather than a brothel, or you can do some boxing. Either way, you’ll earn 50 xp, and Polly and Dandelion will head to the Rosemary and Thyme. Meanwhile, you’ll need to visit the painter Rautlec so you can pick up some new placards.

At Rautlec’s house (#5), you won’t find Rautlec or the placards. Instead, you’ll find a pair of thugs claiming that Rautlec owes them money, and that they’re taking everything in the house as a down payment on his debt. No matter what you say to the thugs, you’ll have to box them. Afterwards, they’ll let you know that Rautlec is probably at the Vegelbud estate betting on the horse races.

The Vegelbud estate is located east of Novigrad. You’ll find Rautlec at the race track adjacent to it (#6). When you talk to Rautlec, you’ll learn that he has to bet on a race. If he wins, then he’ll earn enough money to take care of his debt, and he’ll be able to get the placards for you. But if he loses, then he’ll become an indentured servant to Count de Luverten, and you’ll be out of luck. You’ll have three ways to respond:

  • You can pay off Rautlec’s debt. This will cost you 200 crowns, but you’ll earn 45 xp in return.
  • You can win the race for Rautlec. If you’re successful, then you’ll earn a Mastercrafted Saddle, 80 crowns, and 50 xp. If you fail, then either Rautlec will flee to Kovir, or you’ll have to pay 275 crowns to cover his (increased) debt.
  • You can ignore Rautlec’s plight.

If your choice solves Rautlec’s debt, then he’ll promise to bring the placards by the Rosemary and Thyme. If you don’t solve his debt, then you won’t get the placards. Either way, when you return to Dandelion (#1), you’ll earn 120 xp for completing the quest, and you’ll trigger the quest Carnal Sins.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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