Broken Flowers – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest broken flowers map

1 – Rosemary and Thyme
2 – Vespula
3 – Elihal
4 – Marabella
5 – La Valette Estate
6 – Rosa var Attre
7 – Kingfisher


During the previous quest, you learned that Ciri met with Dandelion while she was in Novigrad, and that Dandelion is the proud new owner of a brothel called the Rosemary and Thyme (#1). However, when you go to the brothel, you’ll only find Zoltan Chivay there, and the two of you will have to forcibly evict some vagrants who moved into the building when Dandelion disappeared.

To figure out what happened to Dandelion, you’ll need to search the brothel. On the main floor you’ll find Dandelion’s Planner, where you’ll uncover the names of all of the people he’s been seeing lately. You and Zoltan will guess that Dandelion might have mentioned something important to one of them, so Zoltan will take half the list and you’ll get the other half. When you read your half, you’ll earn 500 xp, and you’ll see five names. Before hunting those people, you might want to talk to Zoltan about them, because he can give you some useful information.

The five names are:

  • Marabella (#4). She’ll tell you that Dandelion asked her about mold.
  • Elihal (#3). He’ll tell you that Dandelion was asking about the alchemist Kalkstein, who now unfortunately is dead.
  • Molly (#5). When you arrive at the la Valette estate to talk to Molly, you’ll instead meet Mary Louisa la Valette and her date Morvran Voorhis. They’ll be on their way to the Vegelbud residence to watch some horseraces, and they’ll tell you that Molly will be there as well. You can either travel to the races automatically with the couple, or you can make your own way there. You’ll find the Vegelbud residence located to the east of Novigrad.

    At the Vegelbud residence, Morvran will show off his knowledge of horses, and he’ll challenge you to a race. If you accept and win, then you’ll receive a Superior Racing Saddle.

    When you eventually meet with Molly, she’ll tell you that Dandelion needed money for a barge. She’ll also mention that she met Dandelion’s “sister.”

    When you’re ready to return to Novigrad, you can either talk to Morvran and Mary Louisa and return with them, or you can make your own way back.
  • Rosa var Attre (#6). To enter Rosa’s house, you’ll either need to climb / jump into the backyard, or you’ll have to tell the guard captain at the front door that you’re Rosa’s swordplay instructor (you can learn about Rosa’s need for an instructor from Zoltan). Either way, you’ll be led to the training room in the cellar. Along the way, you’ll need to pick up a Wooden Sword from a weapon rack.

    After some sparring matches, you’ll start a conversation with Rosa and her sister Edna. You’ll learn that Dandelion was singing the praises of somebody named Callonetta from Kovir. The sisters will also mention that they traveled to a cemetery with Dandelion, and that he was interested in Professor Margrave Henckel from Oxenfurt.

    At the end of your conversation, Rosa will ask you for some private tutoring. If you accept, then you’ll trigger the quest Fencing Lessons.
  • Vespula (#2). She’ll be surrounded by four thugs trying to collect protection money from her. You can kill the thugs, pay them off, or trick them into leaving. Regardless, Vespula will reveal that Dandelion wanted to know about Sigi Reuven’s bathhouse. She’ll also mention that she saw Dandelion with his “niece from Kovir.”

You’ll receive 150 xp after talking to each person, plus 300 xp extra after talking to the first person, for a grand total of 1050 xp.

After finishing your interrogations, when you return to Zoltan (#1), he’ll reveal that he didn’t have much luck on his end, but when you tell him what you learned, he’ll inform you that Callonetta must be a fellow bard named Priscilla, who performs nightly at the Kingfisher. Zoltan will then invite you to meet him there after sundown.

At the Kingfisher (#7), you and Zoltan will automatically sit and listen to Priscilla’s performance. Afterwards, Priscilla will inform you that Dandelion was planning to rob Sigi Reuven’s vault, and that he recently “raised a ruckus” at Whoreson Junior’s lair. Learning this will earn you 800 xp and complete the quest.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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