Black Pearl – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest black pearl map

1 – Golden Sturgeon
2 – Collapsed Bridge
3 – Pearl Grounds


You’ll receive this quest from Nidas behind the Golden Sturgeon in Novigrad (#1).


Nidas will tell you that when he left for war 30 years ago, he promised his wife that he’d return safe and sound — and with a Black Pearl for her. However, while he managed to keep the first two promises, he wasn’t successful in the third, and so he’ll request your assistance. If you agree, then he’ll ask you to meet him near the collapsed bridge north of Arinbjorn in Ard Skellig.

When you meet with Nidas in Ard Skellig (#2), he’ll lead you to the pearl grounds (#3), where he’ll expect you to do the swimming and searching. To spot oysters on the sea floor, you’ll just need to swim around with your witcher senses on. You’ll have to deal with a few sirens in the area, but they won’t re-spawn, so you’ll just need to shoot them with your crossbow and then get down to business. You might have an easier time underwater if you use Killer Whale.

When you eventually find the Black Pearl, you’ll need to hand it over to Nidas. But when you get close to him, you’ll find that he’s come under attack from a trio of drowners. Luckily, Nidas won’t take any damage until you get into melee range, so you should be able to save him without too many problems. However, when you give Nidas the pearl, he’ll confide that he didn’t bring your reward with him. To get it, you’ll have to meet with him back at the Golden Sturgeon. Still, you will receive 25 xp for your efforts.

When you eventually return to the Golden Sturgeon (#1), Nidas will pay you your reward — 10 crowns.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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