Big Feet to Fill – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest big feet to fill map

1 – Ardaiso Quarry
2 – Statue Site
3 – First Group
4 – Second Group
5 – Third Group
6 – Fourth Group
7 – Fifth Group


This page includes the walkthroughs for all of the Big Feet to Fill quests — the main one plus the five “group” subquests. You’ll trigger the main quest by talking to Foreman Pafnuzio at the Ardaiso Quarry in Toussaint South (#1) after completing the quest Contract: Bovine Blues. Triggering the main quest will trigger the subquests. You can also trigger the subquests by wandering into them.


Pafnuzio will tell you that he’s been commissioned to carve a massive statue of the Prophet Lebioda, but that some of the workers and supplies have failed to arrive at the quarry. So he’ll ask you to look for them. You’ll then need to track down the five missing groups of workers and help them if possible. For each group you’ll need to complete a quest.

Big Feet to Fill: The First Group

When you come across this group (#3), you’ll find them being attacked by several level 43 bandits. To get them moving again, you’ll just need to defeat the bandits.

Big Feet to Fill: The Second Group

At this group site (#4), you’ll find four workers standing by a fire and an architect trying to fix his cart. The workers won’t be excited to see you, and when you talk to them, two of them will attack you. So you’ll have to do some boxing. Luckily, the two workers won’t attack you at once. One will attack you, and then once you’ve done enough damage to him, the other will join in. So if you’re quick, then you might be able to fight the two workers one at a time. Perhaps unintentionally, you can also use your signs during the fight, so if you have trouble, then you can just block and use Igni to win. Once you’ve dealt with the workers, the architect will finish with his cart, and he and the workers will head for the quarry.

Big Feet to Fill: The Third Group

You’ll discover some dead horses and abandoned carts at the site of the third group (#5). If you turn on your witcher senses, then you’ll also spot the tracks of the workers fleeing to the southwest. When you follow the tracks, they’ll lead you to a level 40 spriggan (a relict). After killing the spriggan, you’ll discover the workers hiding in a shallow cave. Freeing them will allow them to get back to work.

Big Feet to Fill: The Fourth Group

For this group, you’ll just find an abandoned camp (#6). But when you turn on your witcher senses, you’ll spot a huge pool of blood and tracks from some kikimores. When you follow the tracks, they’ll lead you north to three level 36 kikimore workers and one level 36 kikimore warrior. After defeating the bugs, when you search their nest, you’ll find the remains of the workers. You’ll also find some eggs, which you should incinerate with Igni.

Big Feet to Fill: The Fifth Group

You’ll find this group of workers (#7) being held captive by some level 38-40 bandits at a ship. After defeating the bandits, you’ll just need to untie the merchant with the workers to set them all free.


Each time you complete one of the “group” subquests, you’ll take a look at the statue and see that more work has been done on it. Then when you return to Pafnuzio (#1) after completing all five subquests, he’ll take you to the statue (#2), which will finally be complete. For helping with the construction of the statue, you’ll earn 800 crowns and 150 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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