An Invitation from Keira Metz and A Towerful of Mice – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest an invitation from keira metz and a towerful of mice map

1 – Elven Ruins
2 – Keira’s Cottage
3 – Keira’s Boat
4 – Fyke Isle Arrival
5 – Places of Haunting
6 – Vserad’s Tower
7 – Graham’s Cottage


You’ll receive this quest after working with Keira Metz inside the Elven Ruins in Velen South (#1) — that is, after completing the quest Magic Lamp or the quest Wandering in the Dark. Either way, Keira will end up with a Magic Lamp.


An Invitation from Keira Metz

When you enter Keira’s cottage (#2), you’ll overhear her talking to a spirit about rats, but they’ll stop before you can make sense of what they’re saying. Then when you ask Keira why she wanted you to visit, she’ll tell you that Fyke Isle is haunted by wraiths, and that the peasants want the island cleaned of this curse. So she’ll ask you to take care of the problem for her.

If you agree to help Keira out, then she’ll give you two things: her Magic Lamp, so you can talk to the spirits on the island, and a Xenovox, so the two of you can talk to each other while you’re there. If you ask Keira what she knows about the island, then she’ll tell you that villagers went there to beg Lord Vserad for food, and that he poisoned them instead. She’ll also mention that the peasants who escaped the island died anyway, even though they hadn’t been poisoned, and that a mage died on the island on the same day.

Receiving this background information will complete the “Invitation” quest and trigger the “Towerful” quest.

A Towerful of Mice

The easiest way to reach Fyke Isle is to use Keira’s boat (#3). When you get there (#4), you’ll find the place crawling with drowners, ghouls and rotfiends. Remember that rotfiends explode when they die, so when they’re gravely wounded and start gurgling, be sure to back away.

As you explore the island, you should notice a couple of green glowing areas near Vserad’s tower (both around #5). These are Places of Hauntings, where you can use the Magic Lamp (by equipping it like a Torch) to reveal spirits. Each time you see a spirit scene play out (here and elsewhere), you’ll earn at least 50 xp. The scenes will quickly reveal that the peasants didn’t come to the island to beg for food. They came to kill Vserad and his family.

When you enter the tower grounds, you’ll get attacked by a level 6 water hag. As long as you can avoid her spit attacks, the battle shouldn’t be too bad. Then as you search the ground, you’ll find another Place of Haunting behind the tower, and you’ll also find some random treasure chests to loot.

Inside the tower (#6), you’ll see evidence of fighting, not to mention numerous rats feeding on the remains of the corpses. You’ll also spot more Places of Haunting, and find more treasure chests.

When you reach what appears to be the top level of the tower, Keira will tell you to be on the lookout for a secret passage. If you turn on your witcher senses, then you’ll see scrape marks on the floor where a wall moves. To open the wall, you’ll need to pull the lever on the opposite side of the room. A handprint (visible to your witcher senses) will make it easy to spot.

When you enter the laboratory on the top level of the tower, you’ll earn 100 xp, and you’ll meet the spirit of Vserad’s daughter Anabelle. She’ll fill in some background information just in case you missed or didn’t understand some of the Places of Haunting. She’ll tell you that the peasants came to the tower to rob and kill her family, that her lover Graham couldn’t stop them, and that the mage Alexander staying in the tower was using rats to study diseases.

During your conversation with Anabelle, you’ll work out that the curse is tied to her forgiving Graham, and that to lift it you’ll need to bring the two of them together. However, Anabelle will be a little cagey on some topics, and she’ll outright lie about others, and so you’ll have to make a choice about how to lift the curse:

  • The bad way. If you trust Anabelle and agree to take her bones to Graham (#6), then you’ll automatically receive Anabelle’s Remains. Graham will agree to bury the remains, but when you leave his cottage, Anabelle will appear and kill him, and then she’ll escape. You’ll realize that Anabelle must have been a pesta / plague maiden, and that you’ve accidentally released her into the world. Oops. Still, you’ll receive 300 xp for your work.
  • The good way. If you mistrust Anabelle, then she’ll immediately show her displeasure by turning into a pesta / plague maiden and attacking you. However, after taking a hit or two, she’ll flee from the tower and you’ll have to follow her. Outside, Anabelle will attack you again, so be sure to have some Specter Oil and your Yrden sign ready.

    Once you’ve done enough damage to Anabelle, she’ll disappear and Keira will contact you. You’ll decide that the only way to lift the curse is to bring Graham to the island. You’ll find Graham in a cottage near Oreton (#6). He’ll readily agree to help out. If you leave for the tower right away, then you’ll automatically make the trip. Otherwise, you’ll have to meet him there.

    When you enter the tower with Graham, you’ll get attacked by a pair of ghosts, but they shouldn’t be too challenging to defeat. Then when you reach the top of the tower, Graham will profess his love for Anabelle and kiss her — and promptly die. This will appease Anabelle and lift the curse, and you’ll earn 500 xp for your work.

Either way, you’ll lift the curse, and when you return to Keira (#2), she’ll be happy with you. In fact, she’ll be so happy that she’ll give you another quest: A Favor for a Friend.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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