A Favor for a Friend – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest a favor for a friend map

1 – Keira’s Cottage
2 – Hangman’s Alley
3 – Broken Cart
4 – Glade


You’ll receive this quest from Keira Metz in her cottage in Velen West (#1) after completing the quest A Towerful of Mice.


Keira will tell you that she ordered some rare ingredients from Novigrad recently, but that they are late in arriving. So she’ll ask you to look for the trader who was supposed to deliver them. You’ll decide to head north and look for evidence of his passing.

If you have your witcher senses on, then at Hangman’s Alley (#2) you’ll see that the trader’s cart veered off the road at high speed. If you follow the wheel tracks to the southwest, then you’ll eventually reach the remains of the cart (#3). If you examine the area, then you’ll spot meats and wine and spices, but no alchemical ingredients. You’ll also find the Package for Keira right next to the cart. Picking it up will earn you 25 xp.

If you’re interested, then you can continue searching the area, and follow the trader’s footprints to the southwest. Not far away you’ll come to his body, and you’ll also encounter a rotfiend. After dispatching the rotfiend, when you search the trader you’ll find the Missing Merchant’s Letter. It’ll indicate that he was a food merchant, and that Keira had purchased “everything” from him at triple his regular price.

When you deliver the package to Keira, she’ll quickly admit to misleading you, and she’ll invite you to play Prince Charming in her version of Cinderella. She’ll then transform some mice into a pair of horses, and she’ll race you to a scenic glade. If you win the race, then you’ll earn 50 xp.

When you arrive at the glade (#4), you’ll discover that Keira has prepared dinner for you. During the meal, Keira will hint that her fortunes are about to change, and at the end she’ll proposition you. You can either accept or not, and it won’t change anything in the quest. Having sex with Keira also won’t make anybody else in the game mad / jealous at you.

Regardless of the choice you make, you’ll end up staring at the stars with Keira. But soon she’ll whisper some magic words in your ear and put you to sleep, and when you wake up in the morning she’ll be gone. Still, you’ll earn 80 xp for completing the quest, and you’ll trigger Keira’s next quest: For the Advancement of Learning.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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