A Deadly Plot – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Novigrad. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest a deadly plot map

1 – Passiflora
2 – Gregor
3 – Cart
4 – Rogg / Troll Cave


At the end of the quest Now or Never, Sigi Reuven / Dijkstra will sound you out about killing King Radovid. You won’t get a dialogue option to agree or disagree, so Sigi will tell you to think about it, and he’ll invite you to meet with him at the Passiflora in Novigrad. This conversation will trigger the quest.


You’ll find Sigi on the top floor of the Passiflora (#1). To get to him, you’ll have to talk to Marquise Serenity on the ground floor. She’ll open a secret door for you, which will give you access to the part of the brothel where Sigi is staying.

On the top floor, you’ll find Sigi with Vernon Roche. They’ll tell you that one of their co-conspirators is missing, but that he passed by a Redanian checkpoint where they have an informant named Gregor. So they’ll ask you to go to the checkpoint, talk to Gregor, and see if you can figure out what happened.

At the checkpoint (#2), Gregor will tell you that the co-conspirator was posing as a cobbler, and that he saw him head across the bridge to the south, but that he never saw him return. However, he’ll add that he just heard a report that an abandoned cart was found to the south, and he’ll fear for the worst.

At the cart (#3), you’ll see signs of a struggle, and you’ll determine that somebody was dragged away. You’ll also spot a trail of shoes leading to the west. If you follow the shoes, then they’ll take you to a rock troll named Rogg (#4), who will tell you that his friends Ogg and Pogg captured the fake cobbler so he’d make them some shoes.

You’ll find Ogg and Pogg in the troll cave just to the southeast. They’ll be with the cobbler, who you’ll discover is none other than your old friend Thaler (who you might remember from The Witcher). However, the trolls won’t want him to leave since he hasn’t made their shoes yet. You’ll have two choices:

  • You can talk to the trolls and explain — that is, lie — that you’re just borrowing Thaler, and that you’ll bring him back. The trolls will believe you and let him go.
  • You can attack the trolls. This can be a tough battle because you’ll have to fight Ogg, Pogg and Rogg at the same time, but as long as you’re good at dodging, and as long as you have some Ogroid Oil, it shouldn’t be too bad. This is the option to take if you need troll parts like Cave Troll Livers and Troll Hides.

After dealing with the trolls, you’ll have to escort Thaler back to his cart (#3). When you get there, you’ll complete the quest and earn 25 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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