Vampire: tM - Redemption

Paradox Brings Light to a World of Darkness

It’s been nearly two years since White Wolf was acquired by Paradox Interactive, and while we’ve only officially been made aware of the development of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, the editors at OnlySP have editorialized about what else this could mean…

Vampire: The Masquerade Storytellers Vault Launched

World of Darkness, and in particular its Vampire: The Masquerade parts, are well known across the world and I’ve seen the vampire lore it established “borrowed” quite liberally over the years. Perhaps this is the reason that White Wolf Entertainment…

Richard Cobbett on Old RPG Reviews

Richard Cobbett seems to be done with RPG Scrollbars for the foreseeable future. No more weekly arachnophobic and crafting-hating RPG editorials for us, I guess. So, what’s the topic of the final edition of the long-running Rock, Paper, Shotgun column?…

The Future of World of Darkness Interview

RPG-focused website Keep on the Heathlands had the chance to interview with some of the key staff that’s currently working on the White Wolf’s World of Darkness properties. What’s of utmost concern to us, as a website that focuses predominantly on…

World of Darkness Documentary Announced, Teaser Video

With the launch of an official Facebook page and a 42-second teaser video, White Wolf has announced plans to release a World of Darkness documentary next year that will almost certainly spend a good deal of time on Nihilistic’s Vampire:…

Just Go Along With It, Okay?

The latest Monday RPG column from Richard Cobbett covers the narrative idiosyncrasies of video role-playing games and how certain titles address them, with varying degrees of success. As always, it’s published on Rock, Paper, Shotgun: I do like it when games at…

The Future of the World of Darkness Interviews

Given the direction that White Wolf has been taking with the World of Darkness IP since Paradox Interactive purchased them, I think it’s likely only a matter of time before we receive an announcement for the development of a CRPG (and…