Torchlight Reviews

Runic Games’ new action RPG offering seems to be drumming up a lot of excitement, with two more enthusiastic reviews reaching the web earlier this evening.

First in line is GameSpot with a score of 8.0/10:

Along with being one of the best action RPGs to hit the PC in many moons, Torchlight is selling for just $19.95, and it comes with absurdly undemanding system requirements along with a netbook mode so that you can play it on just about any system. So not only do you get a great game, but you get a great deal in every respect. Stop reading and start playing.

And then we have Bite My Review with a score of 9/10:

Not only is this game a technical masterpiece, but it comes in a small package (both in memory and hard drive footprint), is reminiscent of the best that its genre has to offer, and retails for less than 20.00.

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