The Queen Harpy Contract – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific quest of chapter 2 for Iorveth’s side in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest.

witcher 2 chapter 2 the queen harpy contract map

1 – Cecil Burdon
2 – Harpy lair
3 – Queen Harpy


Since harpies have become an increasing threat to Vergen, there’s a bounty on their queen to reduce the rate at which they reproduce. This quest is received after a certain phase in Hunting Magic, when Cecil gives you the key to its lair.


Even though you can read the contract on the notice board, it won’t update your quest journal. The first time this quest is received is once Cecil (#1) gives you the key to harpy’s lair. The lair in question is located at #2.

The lair itself is populated by Celaeno harpies mostly, with a few regular harpies in between. Carefully make your way towards the central area that contains a projection ring (#3). Once you take the purple crystal off it, several Celaeno Harpies will spawn along with Celaeno Harpy Queen. There’s not a lot of room to move around, but you can circle the area around that central rock formation.

Once the harpy dies, you can loot it for the sword called Harpy. The quest will update and you can go visit Cecil (#1) for your reward. You’ll receive measly 50 orens for your efforts.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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