Poker Face: Vergen – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific quest of chapter 2 for Iorveth’s side in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest.

witcher 2 chapter 2 poker face vergen map

1 – Cornelius Meyer & Bruno Biggs
2 – Innkeeper
3 – Cecil Burdon
4 – Haggard


As in every act, you can play poker to slightly increase the weight of your pouch and become the local champ. In Vergen, there’s never a short supply of gamblers.


Your first opponents in this quest are either Cornelius Meyer or Bruno Biggs. Both of them are located in the house at #1, practicing their dice skills. Cornelius Meyer will request to be the first to play you. They’ll also tell you of other poker players, namely Cecil, the alderman, and the innkeeper. After you beat them, head to the tavern (#2).

The innkeeper is your next opponent. After defeating him you’ll be sent to play versus the alderman, Cecil. He can be found at #3, after you do the quest Subterranean Life. Once you beat him, he’ll say you’re too good for him and that you should try Haggard, the runesmith.

Haggard is standing outside his hut at #4. Once you win, besides the gold, you can take a diagram for either yellow, red or blue meteorite ore. Either way, quest is completed.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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