For a Higher Cause! – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific quest of chapter 3 for Iorveth’s side in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest.

witcher 2 chapter 3 for a higher cause map

1 – Starting location of the act
2 – Vantage point
3 – A short break
4 – Guards of the Flaming Rose
5 – Secret cave
6 – Arachas
7 – Cave exit
8 – Climbing spot
9 – Ruins
10 – Eavesdrop point
11 – The way into the center of the city
12 – Sewer entrance
13 – Entrance to Redanian dungeons
14 – Nobles


This quest is automatically received upon entering Act III. You and Iorveth are travelling to Loc Muinne to see how will the story of the northern kingdoms continue. As Philippa said, there’ll be a new world order.


As you start somewhere in the ravines at #1, follow Iorveth until you get to the entrance to the ancient elven city. Along the way you’ll have to deal with harpies. Iorveth will lead you on the right way. Also at #2 there’s a nice vantage point from which you can take a look at Loc Muinne’s architecture.

Once you reach #3, you and Iorveth will spot knights of the Flaming Rose. Iorveth will tell you that they are here with Radovid, the Redanian king.

Depending on the save game you imported, if you were friend of the Order, Siegfried will grant you safe passage to the city (#4) and you can skip all the way to step marked at #10. If not, then go to the caves at #5. Inside the cave, you’ll face an arachas at #6. The cave is pretty linear so just follow Iorveth until you find the exit at #7. There will be also be a few endregas on the way.

During your journey, Iorveth will tell you a lot of the history of Loc Muinne and the Vrans who lived there. As you battle your way through harpies and erynias, you’ll reach a climbing spot at #8. That’s the secret entrance to the city. As soon as you drop down, the quest will update and your mission will be to find Philippa Eilhart, who has a dragon at her side.

Over at #9, you’ll come upon an interesting ruin, where you can douse the runes. These runes are connected with the quest The Gargoyle Contract. You could check over there to see how to do it properly, or you can just randomly try to deactivate the runes. Once you got that done, you’ll be able to loot an Ancient Manuscript described in the quest An Encrypted Manuscript. You’ll also find a diagram for the best boots in the game, Diagram: Elder Blood Boots.

Proceed further until you reach #10. You’ll overhear guards talking about Philippa, who resides in the dungeons for violating the peace summit and attempting to cast a spell. Radovid locked her. Iorveth will suggest you to go through the old tunnel system to reach the dungeons. The alternative choice is to get arrested.

This might be a good time to slip in a few side quests. Find a way into the center of the city by going to #11 first. Follow that way and descend where the portion of the wall is ruined. You’ll come across two Niflgaardian soldiers who you should easily dispatch. Note that all the guards are hostile, so don’t approach them.

If you chose to get arrested

Simply visit the guards. Any patrol will do. All you have to do is approach them and they’ll attack you immediately as you’re hostile to them. Once your health drops to zero, they’ll take you to the prison. Note that all your equipment will be gone for a few scenes if you choose this way. You can also get arrested by fighting the nobles that play dice (#14).

Luckily, Philippa’s cell is right next to yours. She’ll be surprised to see you. During your conversation with her, you’ll learn that she didn’t know that Saskia was a dragon until she was poisoned and she just used to circumstances to gain a powerful ally. Anyway, Shilard and Radovid will interrupt your meeting and in the next few scenes, Philippa will suffer a gruesome fate. She’ll have her eyes poked out.

After dealing with Philippa, Radovid will turn his attention to you. He’ll keep you imprisoned for as long as the summit lasts. As soon as he leaves though, Shilard will enter your cell with two soldiers. You’ll have a short discussion and a quick time event will appear. It’s incredibly hard to spot if you got bloom and higher gamma, so just press left mouse click rapidly and you’ll do it successfully. You’ll then overpower the guards and be able to leave the dungeons.

Philippa will stop you and give you a choice: free her from the dungeons and lead her to her house, where she’ll lift the spell from Saskia. The other way is to go and help Triss, who is imprisoned in the Nilfgaardian camp. The quests that deal with these two events are mutually exclusive: The Spellbreaker and Where is Triss Merigold?, respectively. This quest is complete and 500 experience points are yours.

If you went through the sewers

Enter the sewers at #12. The door behind a pair of bullvores will be opened. Along the left wall you’ll find a spot to climb up. In the next hallway, you’ll encounter a few rotfiends, which shouldn’t pose a threat at this point of the game. Another spot where you can climb up will be at the end of this tunnel. Go towards #13 and you’ll overhear a conversation between Philippa, Shilard and Radovid. Radovid will condemn her to a pyre, but before that he’ll order to one of his lackeys to poke Philippa’s eyes out.

You’ll then find her blinded in the dungeon. Defeat the Nilfgaardian soldiers first and then in a cutscene you’ll also knock away Shilard. At this point, Philippa will stop you and give you a choice: free her from the dungeons and lead her to her house, where she’ll lift the spell from Saskia. The other way is to go and help Triss, who is imprisoned in the Nilfgaardian camp. The quests that deal with these two events are mutually exclusive: The Spellbreaker and Where is Triss Merigold?, respectively. This quest is complete along with 500 experience points.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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