A Summit of Mages (Iorveth) – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific quest of chapter 3 for Iorveth’s side in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest.

witcher 2 chapter 3 a summit of mages map

1 – Starting point with Triss
2 – Starting point with Iorveth
3 – Triss/Iorveth
4 – Amphitheatre


This quest is received after Where is Triss Merigold? or The Spellbreaker depending on which goal you pursued in the end phase of For a Higher Cause!.


The quest starts at #1 if you went to save Triss from Nilfgaardians or #2 if you went to get the dagger with Philippa and Iorveth. Either Triss or Iorveth will agree to wait you at the entrance to the amphitheatre (#3) depending on your previous actions. Before you get to #3, if you didn’t let Stennis be lynched, you’ll come across a noble, who comments that Stennis became king of Aedirn.

Once the talks start (#4), Constable John Natalis will say that Temeria is being divided amongst barons and that the country shall be no more if there isn’t a rightful heir to the throne. Henselt and Radovid will also presure Natalis that Temeria’s only future is its division into provinces. Once the topic of Upper Aedirn is touched, Saskia (influenced by Philippa) will speak up. She’ll want herself recognized as a queen, with Philippa as her advisor.

If you came with Iorveth

Before they have a chance to dispute that, Shilard will interrupt the conversation, claiming that he knows about the Lodge of Sorceresses and its members. He’ll speak and accuse the Lodge of Sorceresses for the assassination attempts and Foltest’s and Demavend’s murder. He’ll bring Letho as proof, and lie that the Lodge hired him. Redanian king’s knights of the Flaming Rose will storm the area.

Sile has another trick up her sleeve though, and the dragon (Saskia) appears again. This time, it torches the whole area and carefully picks Sile and places her on top of one of the towers nearby. The quest ends here and starts a new one, Enter the Dragon. You’ll also earn 500 experience points.

If you came with Triss

Before they pick a serious conversation about her coronation, Geralt and Triss will enter the amphitheatre. Triss will accuse Sile and Philippa of assassination attempts and Foltest’s and Demavend’s murder. Radovid will bring his knights to arrest Sile and finish the summit properly.

Sile has another trick up her sleeve though, and the dragon (Saskia) appears again. This time, it torches the whole area and carefully picks Sile and places her on top of one of the towers nearby. The quest ends here and starts a new one, Enter the Dragon. You’ll also earn 500 experience points.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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