A Score to Settle (Roche) – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific side quest of chapter 3 for Roche’s side in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest.

witcher 2 chapter 3 a score to settle map 1

1 – Burton


This quest is initially obtained right after Against the Blue Stripes in the second act, if you defeat the Kaedweni soldier in a fistfight. You’ll meet him then in Act III, where he hopes to get his revenge.


This quest will be unlocked as you explore the ruins of Loc Muinne. You’ll meet the bitter soldier at #1, after exiting Temerian quarters. He’ll call you a square coin collector and say that the only thing that separated him from thrashing you last time was Zyvik. Show him what you’re made of in a series of QTEs (a fistfight).

Once Burton’s down he’ll comment that he’ll get you one day, but no matter, the quest is over and you receive 150 experience points.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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