Temple of Elemental Evil Interior – Temple of Elemental Evil Location

This guide covers a specific area of Temple of Elemental Evil. The map is marked with all the main points of interest, and the guide is accompanied by an official description of the location.

temple of elemental evil temple interior map





5) Earth Robes Chest

6) Air Robes Chest

7) Fire Robes Chest

8) Water Robes Chest


Fortunately, you’ll be getting a brief rest from combat inside the temple interior. What you’ll find is four chests, at #5, 6, 7 & 8, each containing enough robes to equip your party. Each chest is locked and only contains the robes from one elemental sub-temple: Earth (for Dungeon Level 1), and Air, Fire and Water (all for Dungeon Level 2). I’d advise equipping your party with the Earth Temple robes before you venture into Dungeon Level 1 from either of the two staircases, as that whole level is controlled by the Earth Temple. With the robes on each of your party members, none of the Earth Temple Guards, Bugbears, Ogres or Gnolls will attack you. You’ll still find that undead and some other monster types will.

Put one robe of each type into each character’s inventory so that when you go to Dungeon Level 2, you’ll not be attacked their either, when in the respective sub-temple.

If you head across the middle of the interior, you’re characters will notice a secret stairway appearing at #4. This spiral stairway has a couple levels to it. Taking it down once will drop you off in Dungeon Level 1 in the middle of several undead. Taking it down again will drop you off facing several air elementals with no way to get back up other than finding your way back out. It’s advisable to take the stairs either at #2 or #3 your first time; they’ll both drop you off in a relatively safe spot in Dungeon Level 1.

At the back of the interior, you’ll notice a throne. When you pick up a certain item in Dungeon Level 3 (you’ll know it when you find it and it’s also in the walkthrough), the front area of the throne will drop down to reveal another stairway. This will take you to the last area of the game.

1) EXIT:
to Temple Exterior (#4)

2) EXIT:
to Dungeon Level 1

3) EXIT:
to Dungeon Level 1

4) EXIT:
to Dungeon Level 1

5) Earth Robes Chest:
This locked chest contains enough Earth Temple robes for your entire party.

6) Air Robes Chest:
This locked chest contains enough Air Temple robes for your entire party.

7) Fire Robes Chest:
This locked chest contains enough Fire Temple robes for your entire party.

8) Water Robes Chest:
This locked chest contains enough Water Temple robes for your entire party.

9) EXIT:
to Locked Level (#1). You’ll only have access to this stairway once you find the main artifact on Dungeon Level 3. Use it to get to the last area of the game.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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