Opening Vignettes – Temple of Elemental Evil 

Your opening vignette in Temple of Elemental Evil depends upon which alignment you choose at the beginning of the game. Each is an introduction to how your party came to find Hommlet. Most of them will be solved shortly after arriving in Hommlet, but some, like Chaotic Good’s or Lawful Evil’s will not be solved until much later. They do not really have much impact on the overall story, but rather are background dressing… which truly helps this game.

temple of elemental evil hommlet map

Lawful Good

You intercept a caravan being ambushed on the road to Hommlet, delivering goods to the local wheel and wainright there. You’re too late, but still are forced into combat with the remaining few bandits. When they’re defeated, a lone caravan survivor beckons you to deliver news of the caravan to Valden in Hommlet, and to bring justice to those bandits.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Valden is in his house at #20. Find him and tell him about the ambush, and you’ll not only learn the location of the Moathouse on your World Map, but receive another quest, The Rescue of Paida. This completes the Lawful Good opening vignette.

Neutral Good

Your party hears a scream in an alleyway while walking through the foreign city of Mitrik. Head northeast and you’ll find a Murderous Thief hovering over a dead woman. The thief attacks. When he’s dead, you’ll pick up the broach off of the dead woman, identifying her as Canoness Y’dey of the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet. Your mission is to bring news to the church in Hommlet of the death of the canoness.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Switch to your World Map by pressing the ‘M’ key. Travel to North Hommlet and you’ll be dropped off at the Church of St. Cuthbert, #14 on the map. Enter and speak with Calmert on the ground floor. Ask to see the chief cleric, and he’ll ask that you first donate 10 gold. Do so, and then hike upstairs. Terjon is in the southern room. Speak to him and tell him you bring unfortunate news. Tell him of her death, and he’ll tell you about the recent bandit activity, marking the Moathouse on your World Map. This completes the Neutral Good opening vignette.

Chaotic Good

You arrive at the high-elven council, as you have been summoned and are offering your help. Two elven nobles have gone missing – Princess Tillahi and Sir Juffer. You’re to investigate their disappearance beginning with the small village of Hommlet. Once there, you’re to find Black Jay, who might be able to tell you more.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Switch to your World Map by pressing the ‘M’ key. Travel to North Hommlet, landing you conveniently near Black Jay’s small house at #13. He’ll be outside during the day. Speak with him, and tell him of the missing elves. He’ll tell you about the bandits of the Moathouse and mark that location on your World Map. The Chaotic Good opening vignette will not be completed until you rescue the elves. If you’d like to know where they are, see this link (#23).

Lawful Neutral

You’ve been summoned before the Directing Oligarchy of Greyhawk for an important mission. Walk northeast to see the Lord Mayor, and speak with him. Your party is to lend a hand with the growing chaos near the small village of Hommlet. Seems bandits are marauding the area, and you’ll have to investigate and bring them to justice. Seek out Kenter Nevets, the village elder in Hommlet.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Head roughly northeast, through houses and walkways until you reach the village elder’s estate, at #22. Go inside to speak with Kenter Nevets, an “elderly villager.” Tell him you seek adventure, and then about the mission from the Oligarchy of Greyhawk. He’ll relay the possible source of the raids, the Moathouse, and mark the location on your World Map. This completes the Lawful Neutral opening vignette.

True Neutral

The powerful archdruid Hrudek is asking for volunteers for a mission, and you offer your services. Head northwest up the stairs to confront Hrudek. He’ll tell you that one of the druid brothers, Jaroo Ashstaff has not filed a report in some time. He’d like you to seek out Jaroo in Hommlet, find out if anything is wrong, and ask him to send his report.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Head a short distance northeast to Jaroo’s tree dwelling at #18, enter and talk with him. Tell him that the Hrudek is concerned that he hasn’t sent the report. Jaroo says he was waiting to send it in until he’s investigated the recent bandit activity near Hommlet. He’ll tell you about the Moathouse, about possibly past bandit activity returning, and asks you to take a look, marking it on your World Map. This opening vignette will not be completed until you clear out the Moathouse and report your findings to Jaroo when it’s done.

Chaotic Neutral

Your party enters a small dungeon seeking treasure and wonder, nothing more. There are two doors in front of you, one on the left and another on the right. The left door is locked. If you have a thief, you can pick it, but there is a key in a chest through the door on the right. Enter the room on the right and you’ll fight a small air elemental, no problem for your first level party. When the battle is over, find the chest on the far end of the room, and beware, it’s lightly trapped. Open it to find a couple magic potions, gold and another door key. It opens the original door on the left.

Head through the left door now and you’ll fight two zombies. They’re again, no trouble for your party. Exit the room through the northern large door to discover a small room with a chest. Inside the “empty chest” is a treasure map. The map tells you of a “rainbow rock” in a battlefield called Emridy Meadows, located near a small village named Hommlet. You’re to head to Hommlet in search of treasure, where perhaps a local can tell you of “rainbow rock.”

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. There are a few ways to learn about Emridy Meadows. This is one of them. Switch to your World Map by pressing the ‘M’ key. Head to North Hommlet, and you’ll be dropped off by the Church at #14. Enter the church and speak with Calmert on the ground floor. Ask to see the chief cleric, and he’ll ask for 10gp. Give it to him, and then go upstairs to see Terjon, the cleric, in the south room. Talk to Terjon and ask about the Temple of Elemental Evil and its history. He’ll eventually relay all he knows about “Emridy Meadows” and “rainbow rock,” also giving you another quest, Terjon’s Artifact. When you ask about rainbow rock, he’ll also tell you about the Moathouse, another source of adventure, and mark it on your map. When you later find the treasure at rainbow rock, the Chaotic Neutral opening vignette will be complete.

Lawful Evil

The high priest of Hextor beckons your party to his temple. Walk northeast to speak with him. He’ll give you the important mission of destroying the powerful Chaotic Good sword, Fragarach. You’re to first seek out a monk in Hommlet named Turuko for more information. When you have the sword, return it to Turuko so that he can destroy it.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Walk straight up the main road until you find the Inn of the Welcome Wench, at #6. Inside, look for a “skinny monk.” This is Turuko. Tell him that the high priest sent you to see him. Ask where you can search for the sword, and he’ll tell you about the Moathouse, and mark it on your map. Thus begins your adventure. The Lawful Evil opening vignette will only be completed once you bring Fragarach back to Turuko. If you want to know where Fragarach is, see this link (#32).

Neutral Evil

Casually burning down a church, your party encounters, then fights the last remaining acolyte. During the brief conversation, he laments for poor Terjon in Hommlet, that his home church is no more. With this clue, you head off to Hommlet to seek out this Terjon, another potential target.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Access your World Map by pressing the ‘M’ key. Head to North Hommlet, where you’ll land next to the Church of St. Cuthbert, at #14. Enter the church and speak with Calmert on the ground floor. Ask to see Terjon, the chief cleric, and he’ll allow it if you first donate 10gp. Do so, and then take the stairs up to visit Terjon. Your conversation here is a little dangerous. Terjon will be justifiably angry. However, whichever options you decide to tell Terjon about his home church, once Terjon attacks, choose the “flee for your life” option. Terjon is powerful and will kill your party given the chance. You’ll land just outside the church doors. As it happens, you can go back inside and speak with both Calmert and Terjon again, who is more friendly this time, for their quests. No harm, no foul. This completes the Neutral Evil opening vignette.

Chaotic Evil

You observe the scene of slaughter you’ve just caused. There are several remaining innocent peasants that you must get rid of for the job to be complete. When it’s over, one of them with their last words, tells you of their betrayal by Rannos Davl of Hommlet. Your party sees this as a potential opportunity to join Rannos and his bandits, or as more loot.

You arrive in Hommlet, at #1. Switch to your World Map by pressing the ‘M’ key. Travel to North Hommlet, where you’ll be dropped off by the Church at #14. Just south of the church is the Trading Post, at #12. Inside, you’ll find Rannos on the left. He’ll introduce himself, and you can then tell him that you admired his handiwork at the peasant camp. Next, ask if you can join forces to help destroy this little town. He’ll need you to prove your worth by first clearing out the Moathouse, which he’ll mark on your world map. When you’re finished, you can see him again for further instructions. This completes the Chaotic Evil opening vignette. 

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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