Old Storeroom – Temple of Elemental Evil Area of the Week 04/04/03

This page is a part (Dungeons of Elemental Evil #203) of a playthrough that spanned the year of 2003. All the information was taken from TSR’s original AD&D adventure, the Temple of Elemental Evil.

For the DM: The hydra’s keeper, a troll, dwells here on orders from its master, the priest of the Fire Temple. Upon hearing any noise from its beast, it grabs its military fork and investigates. Those with proper identification — robes of the Fire Temple or the eight-pointed amulet — can pass, for the troll then shoves the hydra aside and stops its heads from attacking by quick use of the weapon. The troll otherwise not only allows the beast to attack, but aids it, attacking with the weapon (which it can use long range, striking opponents up to ten feet distant and gaining a + 2 bonus to damage, due to Strength). If enemies close on it, the troll discards the weapon and attacks normally (tooth and claw). The troll’s only treasure is a ring of fire resistance it wears.

Troll: AC 4, MV 12″, HD 6 + 6, hp 42,
#AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA military fork (range 10′, damage 3-10),
SD regenerates (3 hp per round starting 3 rounds after being damaged); XP 861

For the players: Boxes, crates, and barrels line the walls of this 30 ‘x 20’ chamber. Spilled contents — flour, grain, broken crockery, and who knows what else — are mixed with old bones, broken furniture, splintered wood, rags, and ordure up to a depth of at least a foot. The whole area stinks of troll.

For the DM: The containers hold nothing valuable, all being spilled, rotted, or spoiled, save a small cask holding two gallons of fuel oil (worth about 16 gp per gallon) and a box containing 20 fresh torches.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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