Inn of the Welcome Wench – Temple of Elemental Evil Quest

This guide covers a quest in Hommlet for Temple of Elemental Evil. This guide has the main map for the Village of Hommlet, but also gives players a map for the quest. It is complete with a legend, and also a walkthrough of each point on the legend.

temple of elemental evil hommlet map
temple of elemental evil inn of the welcome wench map

2) Glora Gundigoot, Innkeeper’s Wife
3) Spugnoir, Wizard for Hire
4) Furnok, Thief for Hire
5) Turuko, Monk for Hire:6) Kobort, Fighter for Hire
7) Ostler Gundigoot, Innkeeper
10) EXIT
11) EXIT
12) Elmo, Drunken Fighter for Hire
13) Tuperello, Braumeister’s Son
14) Valden, Wainright

1) EXIT:
to Hommlet (#6)

2) Glora Gundigoot, Innkeeper’s Wife:
She’ll tell you of the various rumors for quests here in Hommlet, and when you learn of the Moathouse, of rumors pertaining to that location… for a small price.

3) Spugnoir, Wizard for Hire:
Spugnoir will join your party, and will also mark the location of the Moathouse and Emridy Meadows on your map for you if you ask him directions.

4) Furnok, Thief for Hire:
He’ll join your party, and is involved in the quest, Know When to Fold below.

5) Turuko, Monk for Hire:
He’ll only join if you have four or less people in your party, and will only join with Kobort the fighter, beside him.

6) Kobort, Fighter for Hire:
As with Turuko above, he’ll only join with four or less members in your existing party, and only with Turuko as a pair. He’s join you in the Drinking Contest quest below. When he’s out, you can take his stuff without retribution… if you’re playing that type of party.

7) Ostler Gundigoot, Innkeeper:
He’ll offer you a room for two gold a night, and when you pay him, it will initiate the Know When to Fold quest below.

8) EXIT:
to Inn Upstairs

9) EXIT:
to Inn Cellar

10) EXIT:
to Inn Upstairs

11) EXIT:
to Inn Cellar

12) Elmo, Drunken Fighter for Hire:
By day he wanders the main street in Homlett, near the Inn. By night, you’ll find him here. You can hire him, and at level 4 he’s not half bad… much better than your top fighter in the beginning.

13) Tuperello, Braumeister’s Son:
At night, he’ll challenge you to a Drinking Contest. Last man/woman standing wins. See below.

14) Valden, Wainright:
In the evening, he’ll be here spending a few hours away from his homestead at the Wench.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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