System Shock 2

The 15-Year Evolution of BioShock

The Kartel has published a brief history of the System Shock and BioShock franchises while also following the evolution of the settings, characters, storylines, and mechanics that we’ve seen utilized in all four titles to date. The entire mechanism of…

Irrational Behavior Podcast Series, Episode 3

A third Irrational Behavior podcast episode is online, with this latest episode featuring commentary from several developers on the work they did prior to being hired at Irrational Games. If you can handle a gross but well-planned practical joke, the…

Irrational Games Reflections and Imagery

Irrational Games’ official website has been updated with two new articles, the first of which spotlights some never-before-seen artwork created for Freedom Force (plus a BioShock sculpture) and another that reflects back on how the video game industry has evolved since…

Shock to the System

Would you believe it if I told you that a second System Shock 2 retrospective has made its way to the Internet today?  You should, because that’s exactly what I’d call this article on NowGamer, which officially joins the earlier…

Remembering System Shock 2

The guys at Thunderbolt want to make sure that Irrational Games’ System Shock sequel isn’t forgotten about anytime soon, as they’ve posted their own retrospective article for the FPS/RPG hybrid. In a masterstroke of a twist devised by lead designer…

Irrational Behavior Podcast Series, Episodes 1 and 2

Irrational Games has been busy adding quite a bit of content to their newly launched website, including a series of podcasts entitled “Irrational Behavior”.  In the first two episodes (here and here), various team members give us an inside look…

System Shock 2: What Might Have Been

Over on the Irrational Games website, designer Ken Levine takes us through “what might have been” if some of the team’s original plans for System Shock 2 had come to fruition. (Originally, the level that would become The Many had…

System Shock 2 and BioShock: Five Cut Features

The official Irrational Games website has been updated with the first of the team’s promised behind-the-scenes articles.  As “a window into the different ways that BioShock and System Shock 2 might have turned out”, we’re provided with a list of five…

Ten of Gaming’s Greatest AI Characters

Video games have had us allying and battling with quite a few AI-based characters over the years, so the guys at Hellforge have decided to profile what they feel are the ten “greatest”. Deus Ex’s Icarus and Daedalus, Fallout 3’s…

Irrational Games Interview

GameSpot is the latest website to catch up with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine for a discussion about the company’s recent name change and what’s next for his team of developers. Levine also said that there’s value in the Irrational brand…