System Shock 2

System Shocks

CVG brings us a new article titled “System Shocks” in which they suggest that high system requirements for PC games could be contributing to the platform’s downfall. World of Warcraft, BioShock, Hellgate: London, and Age of Conan are all referenced:…

System Shock 2 Review

The guys at Evil Avatar have taken the time to go back and review BioShock’s spiritual predecessor, System Shock 2. Irrational and Looking Glass Studios managed to completely and perfectly achieve a state of claustrophobic, interstellar horror within the confines…

System Shock 2 Soundtrack Released

An anonymous developer named “MysteryDev” stopped by the forums to announce the unofficial release of the official System Shock 2 soundtrack. After all these years, I can’t imagine anyone would get into trouble for this… After seeing so many…

System Shock 2 in 2007

The Random Gnomes’ Random Lair is featuring an overview of several downloadable patches, fixes, and modifications that help modernize Irrational Games’ System Shock 2. System Shock 2 is better than Deus EX, more elaborate than any of the Thief games,…

System Shock 3 in Development?

GameGossip is reporting that Electronic Arts has re-filed the “System Shock 3” trademark to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re actively pursuing development of another System Shock RPG, it does confirm that…

System Shock 2 Makes GameSpot’s Greatest List

GameSpot has added Irrational Games’ System Shock 2 to their ongoing “The Greatest Games of All Time” feature. In addition to providing a good amount of information about the RPG, they’ve also posted a brief Q&A with Irrational’s Ken Levine.…

System Shock 2 Article & Pending Announcement

In addition to a two-page “retrospective” article for System Shock 2, GameSpot brings word that Irrational Games will be announcing their next title this coming Friday. Will it be System Shock 3? Decide yourself: But why even look back at…