Swarm Pod

Enemy – Annelids

Attributes: Low Hit Points
Weakness: Anti-Personnel Bullets and Shells, incendiary damage
Common Loot:
Swarm Pod Organ (when destroyed), Annelid Healing Gland, and Annelid Psi Organ (when searched)

Strategy: Swarm Pods are far easier to set off than the other types of Annelid egg pods, so your best bet is to keep your distance if you want to avoid potential Annelid Swarms inside. Swarm Pods, like Grub Pods, can be mounted on ceilings and walls as well as floors, and are often hard to spot, or simply unavoidable. If you release an Annelid Swarm from one, don’t bother shooting the Swarm Pod until you’ve searched it for potential goodies.

All life starts out in the womb, and for the Many, that manifests as egg pods used to breed their young. Swarm Pods are a bit different than standard Grub Pods, as their goal doesn’t seem to be reproduction so much as it is self-defense; the Annelid Swarms released by Swarm Pods serve as a nuisance, designed to drive potential trespassers away from Annelid breeding grounds.
Grub Pods and Toxic Pods are related enemies; please see their respective pages for more details.

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