Security Bot

system shock 2 enemy securitybot

Enemy – Mechanical

Attributes: High Hit Points, medium damage, medium attack speed, low movement speed
Weakness: Armor-Piercing Bullets, EMP damage
Common Loot:
Nanites, Portable Battery

Strategy: Though Security Bots are technically a greater threat than Maintenance Bots, in practice they tend to be only marginally more effective in combat. They possess more hit points, but their damage potential isn’t significantly higher than Maintenance Bots. While the projectile they fire is harder to dodge, the old “take cover behind a corner” strategy still works just as well, as do all your anti-robot weapons and ammo types. Guess the speed upgrade is still in development.

The Security Bot is a TriOptimum construct, built on the same chassis as the Maintenance Bot. They are equipped with laser weapons and are entrusted with the defense of the Von Braun. Like the Maintenance Bots, Xerxes has turned the Security Bots on the Von Braun against you. Security Bots begin to appear around Operations, and are encountered sporadically throughout the upper decks of the Von Braun.

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