Rickenbacker Turret

system shock 2 enemy rickenbackerturret

Enemy – Mechanical

Attributes: Medium Hit Points, high damage, medium attack speed, stationary
Weakness: Armour-piercing ammo, EMP damage, hacking

Strategy: Rickenbacker Turrets have a few advantages over the others – they’re a bit smaller, and thus harder to hit, they tend to respond faster to your presence, and attack faster and do more damage than the others, except for the Missile Turret. You’ll rarely have the opportunity to hack these, so your best bet is generally to take them out from as far away as possible, giving you more time to dodge their faster projectiles, or from one of their blind spots.

The Rickenbacker Turret is a variant of the Laser Turret, albeit with a drastically different appearance and greater damage output. Rather than the floor-mounted types commonly seen around the Von Braun, the Rickenbacker Turret is ceiling-mounted and generally faster to respond to your movements. As the name implies, these are only found aboard the Rickenbacker, and nowhere else.
Three other variants of Turret exist, the Turret, Laser Turret and Missile Turret. Please see their respective pages for more details.

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