Missile Turret

system shock 2 enemy missileturret

Enemy – Mechanical

Attributes: Medium Hit Points, high damage, medium attack speed, stationary
Weakness: Armour-piercing ammo, EMP damage, hacking

Strategy: The Missile Turret is much more dangerous than the other types, owing to the fact that its rockets do both high damage and have an area-of-effect, meaning that even running out of the way won’t always save you. Taking cover from these is more important than even the others, and you’ll need to be careful in the instance you’re fighting other enemies at the same time. Otherwise, the same old tactics apply – hack them, or take pot shots from behind cover.

Turrets are a common sight around the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker. Put in place for defense, the re-wiring of the ship’s circuits by Xerxes has caused them to go against their “to serve and protect” mantra, instead opening fire on passers-by as they get near with their light machine guns. Missile Turrets are the most damaging of them you’ll find, and can be extremely dangerous if you take a rocket directly to the face. Luckily, they only appear in the late game, beginning around Command deck.
Three other variants of Turret exist, the Turret, Laser Turret and Rickenbacker Turret. Please see their respective pages for more details.

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